Patch 1.3
- Like with every Season change, your TMR will be soft-reset at the beginning of Season 3. Soft reset means it won’t be reduced to 0 or to 1000, which was the starting point, but rather to a middle point between your TMR at the moment and 1000. The formula, for those interested in the specifics, is ((1000 + S2 TMR) / 2).
- Following Season change, too, rank redistribution will happen, and Competitive ranks will be redistributed in accordance with the population that played ranked matches during the previous Season. This means the cutoff numbers will change, i.e., if you needed to reach 2500 TMR to get to Legend before, you might need to reach 2700 TMR now, depending on how that rank’s population and intended population are. This is the first time the system is going to tackle this on its own; we’ll be monitoring it closely to ensure everything has gone well, and to check if further changes or intervention are needed.
- Since there was a delay in the launch of this patch and Season 3 will start one week later, we’ll be adding an extra week at the end of it. This means Season 3 will last until June 19th.
- The new Challenge Modes are in.
- Experience Temtem like never before with three new challenges delimited by extreme rules:
- Nuzlocke Mode: You only get to catch the first 2 Temtem you see per route (1 Temtem each if you’re playing Co-op!). Each and every Temtem knocked out during battle will be released automatically. Seeing Tems and defeating them or running from them will still count as having seen them, do keep this in mind for your playthrough!
- Randomlocke Mode: Same rules as the Nuzlocke mode, but with randomized Tems, move sets and items.
- Speedrun Mode: You must complete the story in as little time as possible. A clock will be timing each island and the general progress, and you’ll need to beat a mark set by Crema to consider the run a success.
- You will be able to start a Challenge mode once you’ve completed the campaign story, or by unlocking it anytime through a very well-known videogame code (use your left thumbstick!). You can only have one Challenge run at a time, but you can end one and start the next with no restrictions. You will always start from zero.
- The Challenge Mode runs have their own server, and a different save slot between the three of them. You’ll interact with other people attempting a Challenge run, including being able to co-op. This effectively means you’ll be able to have both your normal save and usual account, and a challenge save with a Challenge run at the same time.
- You cannot trade during a Challenge run. You won’t be able to earn Tamer Pass experience during a Challenge run, due to technical limitations. You can PvP during a Challenge run, and your Tems won’t die, so you can safely enjoy it still. Saipark will exist and be open, but only the resident Tems will ever appear.
- You can co-op in the Challenge Modes, but there are limitations:
- For all modes, you can only co-op with someone who is playing the same Challenge mode as you; there can’t be a Tamer Level difference of more than 5 levels between both partners.
- For Nuzlocke and Randomlocke, you’ll need to choose whether you’re playing solo or co-op at the beginning of the run: if you choose Co-op, you’ll only be able to tame one Tem per route instead of two; if you choose solo, you won’t be able to co-op during the run. This setting will continue for the duration of your run.
- Challenge Modes have exclusive rewards for each of them, and you’ll only be able to obtain them if you conquer the challenge.
- We’ve added some spicy new Kudos in relation to conquering the Challenge Modes, good luck!
- Experience Temtem like never before with three new challenges delimited by extreme rules:
- The doors of Nanto Labs are open!
- Exchange your Lumas for Luma Drops, a new currency. You’ll be rewarded more or less Luma Drops depending on the species, whether you’re the OT or not, and whether they’re Soulbound or not.
- You’ll be use your Luma Drops in a new shop where you’ll be able to buy previously unavailable dyes, items like the TemCard X, and more goodies coming in the future.
- Of course, a new Season begins today!
- Clash of Tamers is a Season centered around the spirit and fierceness of competition, of working hard to be better, and other epic themes.
- We’ve added a new set of cosmetic items to the Daily Shop pool, and in the Weekly Premium Shop as well!
- We’ve added a new “Exit game” button to PS5, Switch and Xbox SX. It will take you back to the Lobby. This will make accessing the Challenge modes way easier.
- We’ve added all the 15 Backer characters for Backers with tiers Villager and Dojo Disciple. Some of them have been placed as non-mandatory NPC Tamers in some Dojos.
- We’ve improved the loading time when exiting a battle on the Switch a bit more.
- In our ongoing effort to improve the game’s performance on Switch, for this patch we put our focus on the loading times, which since 1.2.2 have been one of the main points of dissatisfaction.
- Due to the other improvements carried out in the previous patch, the game was taking longer when exiting a battle because it was loading and unloading assets that weren’t needed. With the current change, repeating battles in the same environment should feel faster and the game will try to maintain the reused assets between battles in memory in order to optimize loading times.
- Like we mentioned in patch 1.2.2, we’re going to continue working on improving memory performance on the platforms that require so.
- We’ve made a full rework to the untamed Tems spawn system:
- The idea behind this change is to make encounter frequency more consistent and constant.
- There should now be a bit more space between combat and combat, and you shouldn’t get an encounter right after a battle.
- However, the longer you walk without an encounter, the higher the possibilities you find and encounter will get, so you won’t end up walking too long without an encounter.
- In short, the range of variability has been reduced, so encounters should feel more constant and steady, and less dry or overwhelming.
- Items related to spawn rates have also been tweaked to adapt to this rework; in practice this means they’ll work nicely, like before, in the optimal scenario, and way better than before in the worst case scenario.
- Likewise, we’ve also made some changes to the way the PvP timer works when a player gets disconnected:
- If you disconnect from a competitive match, it will now use the extra time instead of the current turn time. This applies to both the pick&ban phase and the actual battle.
- Also, turns will now last the same as they would for a connected player, instead of discounting time and rushing them.
- The duration of all Scent items has been doubled! Their price has also been reduced, check down below for the full list.
- The Exit game button in PC will now take you back to the lobby (aka title screen) instead of closing the game. This will make accessing the challenge modes way easier.
- Some previously alert NPCs will now be distracted and won’t stop to battle you as you walk by, only when you talk to them.
- The last encounter from the Finding Aina quest will now have the “Dojo Master” music track.
- All ETCs will now have the same chance to appear as a reward in all applicable loot pools.
- The Anak Sanctum and Highbelow Sanctum Lairs have gotten some buffs:
- All runs of the Mythical Lairs will provide the rewards as if it were the first run of the week, Mythical egg included.
- They will now reward 30% more Feathers upon completion.
- The price of entry for these Lairs has been reduced from
2500⇒ 2000 Pansuns. The price of Lair Tickets has been reduced too. - Lair rewards now have a 118% increased chance of having an ETC, and a 37% reduced chance of having a Trait Hack.
- Similarly, Tamer’s Paradise activities have gotten some review:
- The GritArena, DraftArena and TemSafari activities will now reward 30% more Feathers upon completion.
- The Evershifting Tower activity will now reward 20% more Feathers upon completion.
- The price of the Evershifting Tower, DraftArena, GritArena and DigiLair activities (the tries beyond the initial free Token) has been reduced by 1000 Pansuns.
- The price of the TemSafari activity (the tries beyond the initial free Token) has been reduced by 2000 Pansuns, so from from
7000⇒ 5000 Pansuns.
- PvP activity required a little tweaking:
- All Weekly and Daily PvP Challenges will now reward 30% more Pansuns and Feathers. Tamer Pass experience won’t be affected.
- PvP battles’ will now reward 30% less Pansuns and Feathers. Tamer Pass experience won’t be affected.
- PvP battles were way above any other activity in the game, and although this is something we want to perpetuate and agree with, the distance to other activities shouldn’t be that abysmal. Improving the Weeklies will make people more interested into and drawn to PvP, even if just to complete the Challenges, and will appeal to a different, more casual sector of the PvP players.
- All the cosmetic items available in Boutiques across the Archipelago have experienced a 25% price reduction. They will now be cheaper.
- Balms’ price has been reduced from
80⇒ 64. - Balm+’s price has been reduced from
325⇒ 280. - Revives’ price has been reduced from
500⇒ 400. - Smoke Bombs’ price has been reduced from
120⇒ 70. - Scents’ price has been reduced from
60⇒ 20. - Super Scents’ price has been reduced from
320⇒ 150. - Max Scents’ price has been reduced from
1200⇒ 500. - TemCard+’s price has been reduced from
80⇒ 65. - TemCard++’s price has been reduced from
325⇒ 275.
- We’ve adjusted some endgame Elite Kudos so that they’re a tad bit easier and more affordable to achieve, without them losing their Elite essence.
- The Weekly Challenge that was “Defeat 6 Tamers in the GritArena” has been changed to 5 Tamers.
- Naolin no longer has a Temtem with the Hypnotic Peg-Top Gear in their Archtamer pool.
- Yareni’s Volarend now has all 500 TVs on its spread.
- Percival’s Aohi now has all 500 TVs on its spread.
Season 3 is here! The changelog for balance this patch could be one of the biggest we have ever had, so there’s a lot of stuff to unpack. There are many things we wanted to tackle, and some we just wanted to start work on, so there’ll be a bit of everything and some changes are going to be more meaningful than others.
We have reviewed almost every Temtem in game and made changes to its stats, Techs or Traits. Our main objective has been to dethrone the top tier Temtem, but not bury them, all while pushing new faces into the group of frequently-seen Temtem. You will discover 3 new Traits and a brand new Tech that were created to support this intention.
On top of that, we analyzed some mechanics that felt unfair to a majority of players and we have started taking action to test and measure the impact they really have in the game. The principal mechanics we have adjusted are Freeze and Healing. Both are going to be a little less free to abuse: Freeze has been capped at 2 turns, and healing has been reduced in a handful of techniques. We are going to keep an eye on them and, if needed, we’ll make adjustments on following seasons.
To close this intro, we’re already working on season 4! Our objective for Season 4 is to revisit Stall and its lack of interaction.
- #003 – Zaobian
- SPD has been increased
51⇒ 63.
- SPD has been increased
- #006 – Molgu
- HP has been increased
79⇒ 82. - STA has been increased
47⇒ 55. - SPDEF has been increased
58⇒ 66. - Molgu has a lot of potential, but its typing was not helping its bulky design much. We hope that Molgu can stay in battle a bit more with the proposed changes and that it can use its tools more freely thanks to its new STA values and the changes to Splitter.
- HP has been increased
- #007 – Platypet
- Water Blade has been removed from its movepool.
- #007 – Platimous
- SPD has been increased
78⇒ 82. - After testing the changes done to Water Blade and the SPD of Platimous during the previous patch cycle, we want to bring back its lost SPD but we’ll still keep Water Blade from it as a fee.
- SPD has been increased
- #011 – Loali
- STA has been reduced
81⇒ 74. - SPD has been reduced
80⇒ 77. - SPDEF has been reduced
90⇒ 81. - Toxic Farewell has been removed from its traits.
- Backhanded has been added to its traits: When attacking with a Status Technique, gets Invigorated for 2 turns.
- Loali is one of those Temtem that have been performing really well, a bit too well. We had to adjust it a tad, but we’ll give it something in return: a new trait that could offer a different playstyle from what we’re used to with it.
- STA has been reduced
- #012 – Tateru
- Now learns Tenderness at level 3.
- Now learns Scratch at level 1.
- Even though there’s no substantial change to Tateru, the main Gears it takes advantage of have been hit this patch, so we think these changes should be enough to bring this Temtem closer to balance.
- #015 – Magmut
- STA has been increased
53⇒ 58.
- STA has been increased
- #016 – Paharo
- Tornado has been added to its move pool as an Egg Technique.
- #017 – Paharac
- Hyperkinetic Strike has been removed from its move pool.
- Grandpah has been a staple in Turbo teams for this past season. It will continue to do so, but more as a support rather than a multitasking Temtem with high impact. We have reworked Bully to help it and Skunch take advantages of new situations.
- #020 – Amphatyr
- STA has been increased
42⇒ 57. - Amphatyr was one of those Temtem that looked like one thing and ended up being a completely different role. We wanted to give Amphatyr more time to support its allies and at the same time, we have improved Infectious so it can also support their teammates by negating opportunities to their rivals.
- STA has been increased
- #028 – Skunch
- STA has been increased
62⇒ 67.
- STA has been increased
- #030 – Mouflank
- STA has been increased
65⇒ 73.
- STA has been increased
- #033 – Tental
- Madness Buff has been removed from its move pool.
- These changes affect Nagaise, so we are going to talk about them as if they were for it. Madness Buff offers way too many tools to Nagaise, specially its Deceit Aura build. This change along with some adjustments to its signature tech and trait should make Nagaise feel a bit more decent than before but not as annoying as it was when it was released.
- #036 – Nidrasil
- SPD has been increased
61⇒ 66. - ATK has been reduced
88⇒ 84. - DEF has been reduced
80⇒ 77. - Toxic Farewell has been removed from its traits.
- Tri-Phytologist has been added to its traits: After attacking with a Physical Technique, the target gets Exhausted for 1 turn if it’s a rival or Invigorated for 2 turns if it’s an ally or itself.
- Nidrasil has become one of the Temtem we could consider flexible and almost perfect for our idea of a balanced Temtem. The introduction of this new trait and some changes to its stats aims to round up an already interesting Temtem.
- SPD has been increased
- #038 – Capyre
- HP has been increased
55⇒ 65. - STA has been increased
55⇒ 61. - ATK has been increased
71⇒ 76. - SPDEF has been increased
47⇒ 49. - Capyre has a 0.04% winrate (wink wink 😉 ) so it was clear it needed some love. Its main problem was that it was lacking in almost every stat, so these changes should give Capyre a much better chance to perform in battle.
- HP has been increased
- #041 – Zenoreth
- STA has been increased
45⇒ 46. - Knockback has been added to its movepool.
- Zenoreth now has more tools to go boom! We have changed Wrecked Farewell too, so going boom! should feel more rewarding.
- STA has been increased
- #049 – Saku
- ATK has been increased
66⇒ 71.
DEF has been increased62⇒ 68.
- ATK has been increased
- #050 – Valash
- DEF has been increased
56⇒ 62. - SPDEF has been increased
56⇒ 62. - Determined has been removed from its traits.
- Jack of all Trades has been added to its traits: When attacking with a Physical Technique, gets two stages of increased SPATK, and when attacking with a Special Technique, gets two stages of increased ATK.
- Valash is a raid boss, that’s a fact. Determined was not helping Valash in any way, so we decided to give it a brand new trait so the players can unlock its raid boss potential from different angles.
- DEF has been increased
- #051 – Towly
- Hook Kick has been removed from its movepool.
Oshi-Dashi has been added to its movepool as an Egg Technique.
- Hook Kick has been removed from its movepool.
- #052 – Owlhe
- SPD has been increased
78⇒ 80. - Boomerang has been removed from its movepool.
- Feather Gatling has been added to its movepool.
- Owlhe was one of those Temtem that didn’t have many tools to excel in their role. We’ve adjusted some things here and there to make it feel as powerful as its mental counterpart.
- SPD has been increased
- #053 – Barnshe
- HP has been increased
50⇒ 57.
- HP has been increased
- #054 – Gyalis
- HP has been reduced
79⇒ 74. - ATK has been increased
77⇒ 81. - Helicopter Kick has been removed from its movepool.
- Gyalis was everywhere, and it will remain as one of the top Temtem, but Helicopter Kick was doing way too much work for this Temtem.
- HP has been reduced
- #059 – Raican
- HP has been increased
77⇒ 79. - STA has been increased
49⇒ 55. - SPDEF has been increased
50⇒ 54. - A lot of Fire Tems were seen this past season but Raican was not very frequent in those comps. Giving it more bulk and improving its signature technique should position this Temtem on a much healthier spot, and we could start seeing it some more.
- HP has been increased
- #063 – Scaravolt
- ATK has been increased
57⇒ 60. - Embers has been added to its move pool.
- Physical Scaravolt is a reality, embrace the truth.
- ATK has been increased
- #065 – Hedgine
- STA has been increased
43⇒ 48.
- STA has been increased
- #068 – Osukai
- STA has been increased
48⇒ 54.
ATK has been reduced95⇒ 92.
SPDEF has been increased46⇒ 51.
- STA has been increased
- #069 – Saipat
- STA has been increased
42⇒ 46. - DEF has been increased
55⇒ 60. - SPDEF has been increased
50⇒ 67. - Noxious Bomb has been added to its move pool.
- Saipat is seeing some play as a bulky offense Temtem, so we would like to help this playstyle for it. We are going to keep an eye on this Tem to see how it performs after the changes, but we might have some plans in mind for its future.
- STA has been increased
- #074 – Tortenite
- STA has been increased
52⇒ 55.
- STA has been increased
- #077 – Shaolant
- SPATK has been increased
64⇒ 70.
- SPATK has been increased
- #080 – Pocus
- DEF has been increased
40⇒ 45. - SPDEF has been increased
51⇒ 55. - Pocus should be able to weather the storm better now thanks to its brand new values on stats and a small buff to Rejuvenate, and we are opening a brand new horizon for it with the rework of Dreaded Alarm.
- DEF has been increased
- #083 – Golzy
- HP has been reduced
76⇒ 71. - ATK has been reduced
84⇒ 80. - Another top 3 usual suspect. These changes, along with some adjustments on its Techs and traits, should make Golzy a more manageable Temtem to face.
- HP has been reduced
- #085 – Mushook
- HP has been increased
67⇒ 71. - ATK has been increased
76⇒ 80. - SPDEF has been increased
43⇒ 48. - With the increasing population of Wind Temtem in the meta, Mushook was relegated to the background. Some tweaks on its stats should help the Tem deal with the birds.
- HP has been increased
- #086 – Magmis
- Tenderness is now learned at level 5.
- Fire Flame is now learned at level 1.
- #087 – Mastione
- HP has been increased
76⇒ 80. - STA has been increased
62⇒ 68.
- HP has been increased
- #096 – Gorong
- HP has been reduced
86⇒ 81. - DEF has been reduced
100⇒ 96. - Gorong has been one of the key hypercarries on Stall teams. We would like for it to continue being there for their chonky partner, but in a fairer way to their opponents.
- HP has been reduced
- #098 – Sanbi
- HP has been increased
71⇒ 75. - SPDEF has been increased
61⇒ 64. - Transient Echo has been added to its move pool: This Mental Physical Tech has one hold, high priority, costs 20 STA, inflicts 80 damage and reduces the number of Holds on the caster by one.
- High Priority Techs for Mentals have been a very mentioned topic this past season. We are introducing Transient Echo to cover this for Sanbi, and making some tweaks to its stats to help its bulky offense role.
- HP has been increased
- #100 – Kuri
- Clay Ball has been added to its move pool.
- #101 – Kauren
- SPDEF has been increased
51⇒ 57. - Roar has been added to its move pool.
- SPDEF has been increased
- #104 – Cerneaf
- STA has been increased
52⇒ 56. - SPDEF has been increased
46⇒ 50.
- STA has been increased
- #110 – Volarend
- SPDEF has been reduced
96⇒ 92. - Cold Breeze has been removed from its move pool.
- Volarend was a frustrating Temtem to play against for many reasons: its combos with Freeze, the synergy it had with Slingshot and its Aerobic trait, its high SPDEF and the high impact Toxic Plume was having on games. All of these threats have been alleviated or removed to get a more fair fight against this Temtem.
- SPDEF has been reduced
- #112 – Grumper
- STA has been increased
43⇒ 50.
- STA has been increased
- #121 – Broccolem
- HP has been increased
74⇒ 79. - STA has been increased
63⇒ 67. - Gaia has been added to its move pool.
- HP has been increased
- #124 – Valiar
- HP has been increased
56⇒ 60. - SPD has been increased
69⇒ 72. - ATK has been reduced
79⇒ 75. - Sanbi vs Valiar has been a topic for quite sometime within the community. With the revision done to both Temtem Sanbi should do the job of a bulky offense Temtem, while Valiar should feel more like a speedy support. This way the identity of them doesn’t overlap anymore and they can coexist in the meta.
- HP has been increased
- #126 – Loatle
- SPD has been increased
61⇒ 65. - ATK has been reduced
79⇒ 75. - SPDEF has been increased
54⇒ 57. - Loatle is getting a second chance. It will continue doing good in Doom teams, even better, you could say, but we have added a new layer to its supportive kit with some changes to Voodoo. We hope to see this fella more often this new season.
- SPD has been increased
- #131 – Tukai
- Aqua Bullet Hell has been added to its move pool.
- #132 – Tulcan
- HP has been reduced
62⇒ 59. - SPATK has been reduced
79⇒ 75. - Tulcan will remain as one of the top dogs of the game due to the utility it brings to the table, but we at least had to reduce a bit the offensive power it had, so the combination of both utility and damage doesn’t feel too much to handle.
- HP has been reduced
- #133 – Tuvine
- STA has been increased
47⇒ 49. - SPDEF has been increased
47⇒ 50.
- STA has been increased
- #135 – Tuwire
- Reset has been added to its move pool.
- #141 – Pigepic
- ATK has been increased
60⇒ 65. - DEF has been reduced
72⇒ 69. - SPDEF has been reduced
72⇒ 69. - Chain Heal has been removed from its move pool.
- Pigepic is one of those Temtem we label as uninteractive. Having 4 non-damaging moves on its move pool should not be a thing. It has very powerful tools to keep helping as a support Temtem, but now the excessive healing potential should be gone. All of this along with a revamp of Friendship should bring Pigepic closer to a more interactive gameplay.
- ATK has been increased
- #144 – Vulffy
- HP has been increased
50⇒ 56. - STA has been increased
70⇒ 74. - We are hoping to see Vulffy more in the meta this next season and, fingers crossed, we hope we see Burglar builds more frequently after the changes implemented.
- HP has been increased
- #153 – Maoala
- Transient Echo has been added to its move pool.
- #154 – Venx
- ATK has been reduced
81⇒ 78. - DEF has been reduced
81⇒ 78. - SPATK has been reduced
81⇒ 78. - SPDEF has been reduced
81⇒ 78. - The pre-evo who lived. Venx feels more powerful and useful than its evolutions, to a point that it’s even more powerful than so many Temtem in the roster. We have done some small tweaks to its stats to position it on a healthier spot in the new meta.
- ATK has been reduced
- #156 – Vental
- HP has been increased
55⇒ 60. - Psy Wave has been added to its move pool.
- HP has been increased
- #157 – Chimurian
- STA has been increased
54⇒ 61. - ATK has been increased
62⇒ 65. - Although Chimurian was perceived as very strong after releasing it, the different nerfs it has received have left the Tem feeling underpowered at times. We are giving it some potential back and we’re providing it with new tools with the buffs to Glass Blade.
- STA has been increased
- #163 – Tyranak
- HP has been reduced
78⇒ 76. - DEF has been reduced
74⇒ 71. - SPDEF has been reduced
76⇒ 72. - Tyranak was too much to handle this past season. It was too polarizing, and that should change. Cutting down its bulk as well as reducing the oppression its trait offers will leave this Mythical Temtem on a strong but more manageable spot.
- HP has been reduced
- DNA Extraction
- Priority has been increased
Very High⇒ Ultra. - This change, combined with the ones done to Striking Transmog could balance a tad the usage difference between Striking and Landing Transmog we are seeing in the meta right now.
- Priority has been increased
- Turbo Attack
- Damage has been increased
115⇒ 130. - STA Cost has been reduced
32⇒ 30. - Physical Digital Temtem were missing some damage on many Techniques. We have tackled this for a few Techs, starting with Turbo Attack.
- Damage has been increased
- Hologram
- STA Cost has been reduced
14⇒ 10.
- STA Cost has been reduced
- Cyberclaw
- Damage has been increased
80⇒ 90.
- Damage has been increased
- Cage
- STA Cost has been reduced
27⇒ 21.
- STA Cost has been reduced
- Autodestruction
- Now it uses the DEF of the caster as a multiplier for the total damage of the Technique.
- Token
- Damage has been increased
35⇒ 40. - STA Cost has been increased
9⇒ 12. - Priority has been increased
Normal⇒ High. - New effect: It applies 1 turn of Isolated.
- Damage has been increased
- Misogi
- STA Cost has been increased
18⇒ 25. - Target changed from
Self⇒ Any target. - New effect: It also removes all Stages on the target.
- STA Cost has been increased
- Misogi (Synergy)
- STA Cost has been increased
18⇒ 25. - Target changed from
Self⇒ Any target. - New effect: It also removes all Stages on the target.
- New effect: Adds 2 turns of Regenerating to the target.
- STA Cost has been increased
- Shy Shield
- STA Cost has been increased
8⇒ 11.
- STA Cost has been increased
- Allergic Spread
- Damage has been increased
58⇒ 80. - STA Cost has been reduced
21⇒ 20.
- Damage has been increased
- Tenderness
- Hold turns increased
0⇒ 1. - STA Cost has been increased
8⇒ 13. - ATK Stage reduction has been increased
1⇒ 2. - Tenderness was a mere reflection of what it used to be. These modifications should bring some memories of the past back, but this time it will be a bit more contained.
- Hold turns increased
- Heavy Blow
- STA Cost has been reduced
12⇒ 9.
- STA Cost has been reduced
- Wind Blade
- Damage has been increased
40⇒ 67.
- Damage has been increased
- Spores
- STA Cost has been reduced
6⇒ 5.
- STA Cost has been reduced
- Refresh
- STA Cost has been reduced
16⇒ 14.
- STA Cost has been reduced
- Gust
- STA Cost has been reduced
28⇒ 19.
- STA Cost has been reduced
- Gust (Synergy)
- STA Cost has been reduced
28⇒ 19. - Trapped turns have been increased from
1⇒ 2. - Priority has been reduced
Ultra⇒ Very High. - This Synergy was way too impactful and it generated a lot of frustration among players. It should still feel effective, but less frustrating.
- STA Cost has been reduced
- Lullaby
- STA Cost has been reduced
32⇒ 18.
- STA Cost has been reduced
- Inner Spirit
- Damage has been reduced
170⇒ 165. - STA Cost has been increased
27⇒ 32.
- Damage has been reduced
- Perfect Jab
- STA Cost has been reduced
23⇒ 19.
- STA Cost has been reduced
- Rage
- STA Cost has been increased
11⇒ 15.
- STA Cost has been increased
- Darkness
- Hold turns reduced
1⇒ 0. - STA Cost has been reduced
18⇒ 13.
- Hold turns reduced
- Shelter
- STA Cost has been reduced
14⇒ 10.
- STA Cost has been reduced
- Venomous Claws
- Damage has been increased
40⇒ 50. - STA Cost has been reduced
9⇒ 7.
- Damage has been increased
- Charcoal Wall
- STA Cost has been increased
18⇒ 23.
- STA Cost has been increased
- Stampede
- Damage has been increased
100⇒ 110.
- Damage has been increased
- Stampede (Synergy)
- Damage has been increased
125⇒ 130.
- Damage has been increased
- Meteor Swarm
- Damage has been increased
80⇒ 85.
- Damage has been increased
- Warm Cuddle
- Damage has been increased
53⇒ 70.
- Damage has been increased
- Soul Shout
- STA Cost has been reduced
34⇒ 27. - Melee Special Temtem were struggling to impact the game due to STA management. Reducing the STA cost for Soul Shout should help its users alleviate this issue.
- STA Cost has been reduced
- Block
- STA Cost has been increased
18⇒ 23.
- STA Cost has been increased
- Madness Buff
- STA Cost has been reduced
22⇒ 15.
- STA Cost has been reduced
- Hyperkinetic Strike
- SPD multiplier has been reduced.
- The synergy this technique has in Turbo teams is great, so great that we felt that it could be too much. We are adjusting its power so it doesn’t get out of hand on the late game.
- Kick
- STA Cost has been reduced
8⇒ 5.
- STA Cost has been reduced
- Head Ram
- Damage has been reduced
100⇒ 90.
- Damage has been reduced
- Roots
- Priority has been increased
Normal⇒ High.
- Priority has been increased
- Mud Shower
- Damage has been increased
70⇒ 80.
- Damage has been increased
- Diamond Fort
- STA Cost has been reduced
25⇒ 17.
- STA Cost has been reduced
- Sharpening
- STA Cost has been reduced
20⇒ 16.
- STA Cost has been reduced
- Sanative Rain
- Hold turns increased
1⇒ 2. - STA Cost has been reduced
20⇒ 18.
- Hold turns increased
- Sanative Rain (Synergy)
- Hold turns increased
1⇒ 2. - STA Cost has been reduced
20⇒ 18.
- Hold turns increased
- Martial Strike
- STA Cost has been increased
8⇒ 11.
- STA Cost has been increased
- Double Kick
- STA Cost has been reduced
26⇒ 23.
- STA Cost has been reduced
- Pickpocket
- STA Cost has been reduced
20⇒ 13.
- STA Cost has been reduced
- Knockback
- Damage has been reduced
160⇒ 150. - STA Cost has been increased
23⇒ 28.
- Damage has been reduced
- Bestial Charge
- Damage has been increased
55⇒ 75. - STA Cost has been reduced
23⇒ 18.
- Damage has been increased
- Rush
- STA Cost has been reduced
21⇒ 18.
- STA Cost has been reduced
- Savage Suplex
- STA Cost has been increased
28⇒ 29.
- STA Cost has been increased
- Energy Manipulation
- STA Cost has been increased
12⇒ 15.
- STA Cost has been increased
- Energy Manipulation (Synergy)
- STA Cost has been increased
12⇒ 15.
- STA Cost has been increased
- Nagaise’s Fury
- Damage has been reduced
105⇒ 100.
- Damage has been reduced
- Nagaise’s Fury (Synergy)
- Damage has been reduced
135⇒ 130.
- Damage has been reduced
- Strangle
- Damage has been increased
35⇒ 44. - STA Cost has been increased
12⇒ 15.
- Damage has been increased
- Narcoleptic Hit
- Damage has been reduced
150⇒ 145. - STA Cost has been increased 17 ⇒ 20.
- Damage has been reduced
- Glass Blade
- Damage has been increased
32⇒ 45. - STA Cost has been increased
5⇒ 6. - Priority has been increased
Normal⇒ High.
- Damage has been increased
- Mineral Hail
- Damage has been increased
100⇒ 110.
- Damage has been increased
- Chain Heal
- HP recovery has been reduced
20%⇒ 15%.
- HP recovery has been reduced
- Drool
- Regenerating turns have been reduced
3⇒ 2. - Immune turns have been reduced
4⇒ 3.
- Regenerating turns have been reduced
- Slime
- STA Cost has been reduced
14⇒ 10.
- STA Cost has been reduced
- Toxic Slime
- Damage has been increased
50⇒ 80.
- Damage has been increased
- Chain Lightning
- Damage has been increased
48⇒ 60.
STA Cost has been reduced17⇒ 15.
- Damage has been increased
- Binary Flood
- Damage has been increased
60⇒ 75.
STA Cost has been reduced28⇒ 21.
New effect: It applies 2 turns of Seized.
- Damage has been increased
- Double Gash
- Damage has been increased
55⇒ 60.
STA Cost has been increased7⇒ 9.
- Damage has been increased
- Turbo Choreography (Synergy)
- STA Cost has been increased
20⇒ 24. - We think we can all agree that Turbo is one of those Techs that build team. Even though this change doesn’t seem that relevant, it will punish running several Wind Temtem to activate this Synergy.
- STA Cost has been increased
- Gaia
- It no longers heals 20% of HP.
- New effect: It applies 2 turns of Regenerating.
- Lifeful Sap
- STA Cost has been increased
23⇒ 26.
- STA Cost has been increased
- Crystallize
- STA Cost has been reduced
21⇒ 18. - New effect: It applies 2 turns of Immune.
- STA Cost has been reduced
- Denigrate
- Damage has been increased
73⇒ 80. - STA Cost has been reduced
33⇒ 25.
- Damage has been increased
- King’s Roar
- STA Cost has been reduced
25⇒ 10. - SPD Stage reduction has been increased
1⇒ 2.
- STA Cost has been reduced
- Fluid Barrier
- STA Cost has been increased
18⇒ 20. - Immune turns have been reduced
3⇒ 2.
- STA Cost has been increased
- Ultrasound
- Exhausted turns have been increased
1⇒ 2.
- Exhausted turns have been increased
- Toughen
- STA Cost has been increased
17⇒ 22.
- STA Cost has been increased
- Generify
- STA Cost has been increased
11⇒ 17.
- STA Cost has been increased
- Generify (Synergy)
- STA Cost has been increased
11⇒ 17.
- STA Cost has been increased
- Hook
- Damage has been reduced
46⇒ 40. - STA Cost has been increased
21⇒ 26.
- Damage has been reduced
- Petrify
- Damage has been increased
50⇒ 60. - STA Cost has been reduced
17⇒ 12.
- Damage has been increased
- Clinch
- Damage has been increased
85⇒ 90. - STA Cost has been reduced
16⇒ 15.
- Damage has been increased
- Sand Storm
- Damage has been increased
69⇒ 80. - STA Cost has been reduced
27⇒ 23.
- Damage has been increased
- Lava Wave
- Damage has been increased
90⇒ 95. - STA Cost has been reduced
31⇒ 27.
- Damage has been increased
- Lava Wave (Synergy)
- Damage has been increased
90⇒ 95. - STA Cost has been reduced
31⇒ 27.
- Damage has been increased
- Shrill Voice
- Damage has been increased
42⇒ 55.
- Damage has been increased
- Hasty Lunge
- Damage has been reduced
90⇒ 80. - STA Cost has been reduced
28⇒ 25.
- Damage has been reduced
- Hasty Lunge (Synergy)
- Damage has been reduced
90⇒ 80. - STA Cost has been reduced
28⇒ 25.
- Damage has been reduced
- Tsunami
- STA Cost has been reduced
29⇒ 24.
- STA Cost has been reduced
- Tsunami (Synergy)
- STA Cost has been reduced
29⇒ 24. - Cold turns have been reduced
3⇒ 1.
- STA Cost has been reduced
- Cold Breeze
- Damage has been increased
10⇒ 51. - Cold turns have been reduced
3⇒ 1.
- Damage has been increased
- Iced Stalactite
- Cold turns have been reduced
3⇒ 2.
- Cold turns have been reduced
- Toxic Plume
- Damage has been increased
50⇒ 60. - STA Cost has been reduced
28⇒ 23. - Hold turns have been increased
1⇒ 2.
- Damage has been increased
- Toxic Plume (Synergy)
- Damage has been increased
50⇒ 60. - Hold turns have been increased
1⇒ 2.
- Damage has been increased
- Clay Ball
- STA Cost has been increased
12⇒ 14. - Hold turns have been reduced
1⇒ 0.
- STA Cost has been increased
- Psychic Collaborator
- STA Cost has been reduced
29⇒ 20.
- STA Cost has been reduced
- Psychic Collaborator (Synergy)
- Damage has been reduced
170⇒ 165. - STA Cost has been reduced
29⇒ 26.
- Damage has been reduced
- Stone Trench
- Evasion turns have been reduced from
2to 1. - Vulcrane was feeling unfair with the effects this technique brought to the table. Now it should be fairer for the Tamer on the other side of the equation.
- Evasion turns have been reduced from
- Sludge Gift
- Damage has been increased
40⇒ 60. - STA Cost has been increased
4⇒ 9. - Priority has been increased
Normal⇒ High.
- Damage has been increased
- Bark
- STA Cost has been reduced
23⇒ 21.
- STA Cost has been reduced
- Digital Whip
- Damage has been increased
20⇒ 50. - Priority has been increased
Low⇒ Normal.
- Damage has been increased
- Rainbow Guard
- STA Cost has been reduced
23⇒ 15. - Immune turns have been increased
2⇒ 3.
- STA Cost has been reduced
- Slow Down
- STA Cost has been increased
12⇒ 15.
- STA Cost has been increased
- Slow Down (Synergy)
- STA Cost has been increased
12⇒ 15.
- STA Cost has been increased
- Pollution
- STA Cost has been reduced
26⇒ 22.
- STA Cost has been reduced
- Ampere Outburst
- STA Cost has been reduced
15⇒ 14.
- STA Cost has been reduced
- Time Split
- Damage has been increased
45⇒ 55. - STA Cost has been reduced
23⇒ 18. - SPD Stage reduction has been increased
1⇒ 2. - SPD Stage increase has been increased
1⇒ 2.
- Damage has been increased
- Striking Transmog
- Now it works once per battle.
- After triggering this trait, the holder multiplies their DEF and SPDEF by 1.5 for the duration of that turn.
- Splitter
- New effect: When the holder is about to receive a Negative Status Condition via technique ( Poisoned, Burned, Asleep, Cold, Exhausted, Isolated, Seized, or Trapped) they receive 2 turns of Invigorated.
- Soft Touch
- Damage increase has been reduced
20%⇒ 12%.
- Damage increase has been reduced
- Bully
- The previous effects no longer works.
- New effect: When the holder uses a technique on a Temtem with a Status Condition, the damage of the technique is multiplied by 25%.
- Deceit Aura
- The holder no longer loses 50% of their max HP upon entering the battlefield.
- New effect: At the start of the turn, the holder loses 15% of their max HP.
- Wrecked Farewell
- Its previous effects no longer work.
- New effect: When this Temtem faints, the Temtem that defeated them loses 10% of their max STA and they receive a 2 Stage reduction of their ATK and SPATK.
- Infectious
- Its previous effects no longer work.
- New effect: This trait prevents the Regenerating Status Condition from being applied on the Rivals and it removes that same Status on the Rival upon entering the battlefield.
- Rejuvenate
- HP recovery has been increased
8%⇒ 10%.
- HP recovery has been increased
- Voodoo
- Its previous effects no longer work.
- New effect: When the holder applies a negative Status Condition or Stage change to a rival, the effects of those are applied to the rival’s partner too.
- Seppuku
- Its previous effects no longer work.
- New effect: When the holder faints due to recoil damage or Overexertion, it applies 4 turns of Doom to the rival Tems.
- Stabmaster
- Damage increase has been reduced
40%⇒ 35%. - Momo wasn’t being a good Temtem. Bad Temtem! Stabmaster is now nerfed.
- Damage increase has been reduced
- Mithridatism
- Damage reduction has been increased
20%⇒ 22%. - New effect: Adds 1 turn of Regenerating after being the target of a Toxic Technique.
- We are testing the waters with this one. We will review the Trait mid-patch to see if the changes have improved something at all, and we will see what we do with its users in the future.
- Damage reduction has been increased
- Ruminant
- Its previous effects no longer work.
New effect: When a Nature technique is used, the holder of this trait restores 15% of its max STA.
- Its previous effects no longer work.
- Burglar
- Now it also triggers when the technique used applies the Asleep or Exhausted status condition.
- Now it triggers only once per battle.
- Friendship
- Its previous effects no longer work
- New effect: When the holder and the ally attack the same rival with an offensive technique, the damage of the second technique is increased by 15%.
- Dreaded Alarm
- Its previous effects no longer work
- New effect: Every time a rival gets the Alert Status, they lose 8% of their max HP.
- Defuser
- Seized turns have been reduced
3⇒ 2.
- Seized turns have been reduced
- Voltaic Charge
- Its previous effects no longer work
- New effect: The caster heals 15% of the damage it has done with any offensive technique.
- Neurotoxins
- Doom turns have been reduced
4⇒ 3. - Now it triggers only once per battle.
- The previous version of Neurotoxins was not only frustrating, but at the same time it didn’t make any sense with Cycrox’s current playstyle. It will still fit on Doom compositions but it will require a bit more thought to use and it won’t be as scary as before.
- Doom turns have been reduced
- Snowstorm
- Cold turns have been reduced
3⇒ 2.
- Cold turns have been reduced
- Toxic Skin
- Poison turns have been reduced
2⇒ 1. - New effect: Now it also triggers with Special Techniques.
- Poison turns have been reduced
- Protective Crystal
- New effect: The ally now has a 10% base damage reduction off every offensive Technique received, whatever its type.
- New effect: The holder of the trait also receives 20% less damage from Mental, Electric and Crystal Techniques.
- Intimidator
- Turn limit has been reduced from
5⇒ 3.
- Turn limit has been reduced from
- Frightening
- Turn limit has been reduced from
5⇒ 3.
- Turn limit has been reduced from
- Resistance Badge
- Damage increase has been reduced
13%⇒ 10%. - Neutral Temtem have been performing greatly these past seasons. This nerf should keep some of the main threats this type of Temtem offered at bay.
- Damage increase has been reduced
- Nutrition Bar
- HP recovery reduced
6%⇒ 5%.
- HP recovery reduced
- Sensei Robe
- Damage increase has been reduced
20%⇒ 15%.
- Damage increase has been reduced
- Slingshot
- Technique’s base power needed has been reduced
55⇒ 50.
- Technique’s base power needed has been reduced
- Mom’s Lunch
- New effect: The holder now receives 4 turns of Seized.
- Mom’s Lunch has been one of the most hated gears inside the community for quite some time. It will still be very impactful to tempo, but it won’t be as spammable as before.
- First Aid Kit
- HP recovery reduced
25%⇒ 20%.
- HP recovery reduced
All platforms
- Fixed a hardlock caused by a ranked match starting while on the entrance’s runaway from the Quetzal Dojo.
- Fixed a softlock that occurs when defeating the 2 Temtem rivals with the trait Vodoo twice in a row.
- 👥Fixed a softlock if Scent’s effects run out right when the cinematic at the bottom of Iwaba starts.
- Fixed getting stuck between Studious Yamabushi and Zealous Yamabushi after defeating them.
- Fixed getting stuck when completing a kudo at the same time that a new tutorial gets triggered.
- Fixed getting stuck inside a collision when entering the game in the same spot of a seasonal event prop.
- 👥Fixed an edge case scenario that caused players to lose furniture after placing it in the Dojo Housing.
- Fixed not having a chest in the latest floor of the Roguelite on some runs.
- Fixed not seeing the minimap at the chest room of the Roguelite on some runs.
- Fixed some edge cases where the Tempedia Temtem status was not same as number of the captured Temtem on the Tamer’s Info card.
- Fixed that completing the Premium Weekly Challenge about finishing a lair with only three players was not granting any reward (Xp and Novas).
- 👥Fixed a case where players were not able to claim the Fisher kudo.
- Fixed more cases where some kudos rewards could not be claimed
- Fixed the Speed Arrow not being displayed.
- Fixed esports competitive code not being correctly deleted when unlocking a squad.
- Fixed that some items (spray, loading screen, competitive cosmetics…) could not be retrieved from the vault.
- Fixed the emote Hear Ye not playing when being used.
- Fixed seeing the Event button active while no seasonal event is active.
- Fixed system messages were not being displayed if they appeared while the player is exiting a building.
- Fixed losing focus when trying to erase a Club while participating in a Dojo War.
- 👥Fixed club members’ scroll resetting after inspecting one of the club players.
- Fixed current quantity of an item being capped at 99 when trying to place an item with over 99 units in the Vault/Club Vault.
- 👥Fixed the Fruit Blender was consuming TV items and not giving TVs to the Temtem when surpassing the TV limit and then adding items to reduce TVs.
- 👥Fixed Piraniant and Mimit being in the “Defeat untamed Temtem” Weekly Challenge.
- Fixed Mirroring not dealing the correct amount of damage after receiving the technique Hyperkinetic Strike.
- 👥Fixed DNA Extraction not showing the x2/x4 multiplier after being used on a Temtem weak to Digital type.
- 👥Fixed Fainted Curse triggering after receiving damage from the Voodoo trait.
- 👥Fixed Fire Temtem not removing the Cold Status Condition client-side when this Status Condition was removed by the Heater trait effects.
- Fixed Target Replicator not working when the ally used the tech Toxins Shower.
- Fixed a case where the trait Inductor seemed to recover more HP than it should.
- Fixed Regenerating status was disappearing when using the gear Pillow with a Noxolotl with the trait Trance.
- Fixed rival Temtem alive were not counting towards the “Defeated Temtem in ranked” Weekly Challenge when the rival conceded the match.
- 👥Fixed not being able to open the battle log during the turn animations while spectating a battle.
- Fixed Refreshing Diabolo was triggering a turn before it should if the Temtem that wears the gear enters the battle after a Temtem KO.
- Fixed after finishing the Evershifting Tower the player visually keeps the squad used at the activity
- 👥Fixed Guardian Trait not working if the holder was on the first Slot of the Player’s team and it faints with the tech that applies a negative Status Condition or decreases some Stat to their partner
- 👥Fixed Scavenger not working correctly client-side if a Temtem with the Trait Fainted Curse fainted and the Temtem that defeated them fainted due to the effects of Fainted Curse.
- 👥Fixed Reactive Vial gear not activating if Arachnyte with the trait Adaptive is the holder.
- Fixed the Nutrition Bar gear was lasting 5 turns instead of 4 when the holder entered the battlefield in the middle of a turn with a swap.
- Fixed that Techniques dealing fixed damage were not activating the Benefactor trait.
- 👥Fixed Arachnyte, Zaobian and Oree losing their Showdown-equipped gear when they trigger their respective traits that change their second type.
- Fixed TemDeck locked tutorial was being shown after using the Fruit Blender.
- 👥Fixed not appearing riding a mount after using the Matter-Transfer Drone from an exterior zone to another exterior zone while on a mount.
- Fixed character playing the running animation after leaving a competitive battle when entering a ranked match using a mount.
- Fixed a case where the luma trail of the following Temtem was appearing inside buildings.
- 👥Fixed the idle animation for the Grumvel mount. He’s back to being perfect.
- 👥Fixed that the Mouflank mount didn’t blink. It’s like that one Doctor Who episode…
- Fixed a Temtem slightly rotated to its left after receiving the technique Unseen Blow from the rival Temtem in front of them and using the technique Plasma Beam against the other rival Temtem right after.
- Fixed the tints’ UI showing the wrong Tint as equipped if a player hovered over one tint and then equipped another one.
- Fixed some elements used during the VFX for the tech Tortenite’s Garden not disappearing right after the end of said VFX when using the Luma version of Tortenite
- Fixed the Co-op Emote preview was playing the wrong audio track.
- Fixed music would stop playing after resetting the character from the Lobby.
- Fixed music was not playing if the player start the game in a combat inside the DigiLair.
- 👥Fixed using Voice 2 by default when riding a mount despite whatever the voice of the character was.
- Fixed hearing footsteps’ eco inside a building while checking the Store or Tamer Pass menus..
- Fixed flying mounts’ audio bug when moving between ground and water terrain.
- Fixed a missing texture in the disappearing VFX of the seasonal event props.
- 👥Fixed a narrative error in a dialogue from two Belsoto at the sewers of Properton
- 👥Fixed a minor bug in Akranox’s in-game 3d model.
- Fixed trainers popping in battle after the use of the tech Rockfall.
- Fixed Settings menu headers were not being highlighted when selected in Japanese, Korean, Chinese and Traditional Chinese languages
- Fixed the ranked seasonal reward text position because it was overlapping with other text in some languages.
- Fixed getting stuck in a loop with Xbox’s virtual keyboard.
Fixes, features, and improvements marked with the 👥 icon are originally suggested, inspired by, or reported by our community in our Discord server and other socials.