Temtem 0.5.16 – Ranked Update
- Added Ranked matchmaking. Players will be matched together via their TMR (Tamer Matchmaking Rating) into competitive battles.
- This is the first iteration of the Ranked battles so it only has the core features for now.
- Every Temtem is auto-scaled on ranked battles. This means that their level is upped to the current level cap (48) and all their SVs are maxed (50). TVs remain intact.
- While ranked battles will give pansun rewards, they are currently disabled until the system is fully tested.
- Added the Spectator mode. Players can now spectate others from the Interact menu as long as they’re playing a competitive battle.
- As with the Ranked matchmaking, this is the first iteration of this feature so it will be improved and worked on in the future.
- ? Added a new Status condition: Evading. While evading, the Temtem will avoid the next offensive technique directed at it.
- ? Added a new Status condition: Alerted. While alerted, the Temtem can’t be asleep and after waking up from being asleep, they will automatically be Alerted for one turn.
- ? Added the Battle Log screen. The Battle Log will summarize every known Temtem in the battle with all the data needed for battles: health, stamina, status conditions and… yeah, stat stages.
- Please note that by default, the Battle Log is only accessible in competitive battles, but it can be enabled in every battle type from the Settings menu.
- Added player intros and outros on PvP matches.
- The player intro will display both players and their lead Tems. In the future, this intro will also showcase PVP stats for each player.
- The outro will only display the winner player and their squad.
- Added 22 new Technique animations (Bamboozle, Chain Lighting, Head Charge, Gamma Burst, Feather Gatling, Urushiol, Narcoleptic Hit, Nicho Sai, Oshi-Dashi, Dust Vortex, Toxic Slime, Awful Song, Crystal Plume Gatling, Crystal Bite, Harmful Lick, Extinction, Rend, Frond Whip, Major Slash, Toxic Plume, Slime and Hyperkinetic Strike).
- ? The FreeTem foundation now has four different rewards associated with different releases tiers.
- Please note that this week remains intact so the new configuration will start applying on the next weekly reset.
- ? The Map now features names for the areas. The names are hidden while zoomed in but they will display on zoomed out configurations.
- ? The SPATK icon has been replaced with a different one in order to differentiate it better from the ATK icon.
- ? On PC, right-clicking on an empty space will now act as a cancel/escape action.
- Interiors now match the environment sound of their exterior zones when they don’t have a custom environment sound defined.
- Revisited some interior environment sounds (Konstantino’s Lab, Boutiques, Luisouvenirs, Player’s Home, Accademia, Saipark Caves, and the Commune).
- The Temdeck now features 23 different marks (up from 11). Current marks are still the same and they are maintained in your Temdecks.
- Players now need to be near each other in order to do a trade.
- We’ve seen multiple cases of abuse with the previous system so we’ve decided to keep long-distance trades reserved for the future Trading House.
- Telomere Hacks now only work on Temtem where the Original Tamer is the Player using the Hack.
- We like Telomere Hacks as a way to perfect your almost perfect Temtem, but they’ve been the subject for several cases of abuse and scams between players offering them (even though they are non-tradeable). This change will help us to keep the intended feature for legit players without needing to remove the items altogether.
- Tateru
- Base HP increased from 70 to 79.
- Base STA reduced from 90 to 85.
- Base ATK increased from 68 to 78.
- Mudrid
- Base SPATK increased from 75 to 80.
- Taifu
- Base SPATK increased from 78 to 85.
- Base SPDEF increased from 78 to 89.
- Noxolotl
- Base SPATK increased from 79 to 85.
- Base SPD increased from 57 to 61.
- Volarend
- Base HP reduced from 69 to 64.
- Tuvine
- Base ATK reduced from 70 to 65.
- Base SPATK reduced from 60 to 56.
- Mushi
- Intimidation added as an egg technique.
- Kinu
- Replaced Intimidation with Psy Wave from the learnset.
- Bamboozle
- Rework. Instead of the previous effect, it will now give the target Evading for 2 turns.
- STA cost reduced from 16 to 14.
- Intimidation
- Rework. Instead of the previous effect, it will now give the target team Exhaust for 1 turn.
- Hypnosis
- STA cost increased from 12 to 14.
- Priority increased from Low to Normal.
- Stare
- STA cost increased from 4 to 6.
- The caster Temtem now gets Alerted for 2 turns.
- Cage
- Priority increased from High to Ultra.
- STA cost increased from 16 to 23.
- Narcoleptic Hit
- Damage increased from 140 to 150.
- Trance
- Now also applies Regenerating for 2 turns.
- Apothecary & Tri-Apothecary
- Now can be triggered with self-inflicted techniques.
- ? Fixed Synergized Revitalize not displaying the correct amount of health restored.
- ? Fixed Benefactor trait not properly displaying when triggered.
- ? Fixed Withdrawal trait only working when the Temtem was asleep.
- ? Fixed draw rules not working properly when both last Temtem were knocked out by a Status condition tick.
- Fixed Temtem assigned to a battle box, and evolved after they were assigned, devolving while entering a competitive battle.
- Fixed learned techniques not being properly recorded for Temtem that were assigned to a Battle Box.
- Fixed a visual bug on the Trade UI that allowed to modify the Pansun quantity or traded Items while the countdown was still active.
- Fixed being able to open the Notification Center when a blocking NPC is approaching which could lead to some other issues.
- Fixed traded items submenu being kept open after a trade being canceled while it was opened.
- Fixed being able to invite another user to a co-op party while you were in one already, leading to multiple issues.
- Fixed users with the surfboard being able to create a co-op party with users without the surfboard (and keeping the surfboard in the process) if the party was created near enough to the shore.
- Fixed depth of field visual effect disappearing after opening certain UIs.
- ? Fixed not being able to choose a Temtem when using a TemCard while using a controller after a multi-target technique has been used.
- ? Fixed being able to force the release Temtem popup to appear outside of battles.
- ? Fixed a bug that allowed to introduce Pansuns in the quantity picker screen while tabbed out of the game.
- Fixed blocking NPCs not working properly when an egg hatched while the blocking NPC was moving to you to block you.
- Fixed some weird behavior on the full map when zooming in and out on Zadar.
- Fixed Tamers disappearing when using Chains Hit after a Stat Stage change.
- Fixed Temterms link being clicked after the welcome screen disappeared.
- Fixed a stuck situation on PvP battles while playing co-op.
Fixes, features, and improvements marked with the ? icon are originally suggested, inspired by or reported by our community in our Forums.