Temtem 0.2.5
- Breeding
- Breeding will allow players to create new Temtem. You can read all about it here.
- Each Temtem now displays its fertility in its details. All current Temtem have been updated to have their appropriate fertility.
- Breeding has changed a bit since the Kickstarter update:
- Maximum fertility is now 8.
- Fertility for untamed Temtem is calculated using the number of “good stats” the Temtem has. Each SV over 45 will count as a “good stat”.
- Having one or two good stats will produce fertility of 7. Having three or four a fertility of 6. Having five or six a fertility of 5 and last, having seven will produce fertility of 4.
- The time to create a new egg when both parents are deposited is 25 real-time minutes. This time will be reduced to 15 real-time minutes if both parents share the same evolutionary line.
- The time to hatch an egg hasn’t changed, it will range from 5 to 45 minutes (depending on the species catch rate).
- Inheriting stat SVs will now have a 40% chance to inherit the better value between both parents’ SVs. Another 40% chance of getting the average ceiled value from their parents and a final 20% chance to inherit the worse value.
- Leaving a couple in the Breeding Center costs 1 Pansun. This is a temporary price to help test the system and will be increased in the future.
- There’s only a handful of Breeding related gears (DNA Strands) now available on the Breeding Center Shop. Each DNA Strand currently cost 10 Pansuns. This is a temporary price to help test the system and will be increased in the future.
- FreeTem Initiative
- The FreeTem Initiative is designed as one of the methods to obtain infinite currency.
- They promote the idea that all Temtem should be free and back in nature, so they will reward players for every Temtem released.
- Each week they will have a special reward, which will be granted upon reaching a certain number of freed Temtem. The rewards will be different every week so players are encouraged to check them frequently to not miss anything.
- Emotes
- Players can now express themselves with the use of Emotes.
- The emote wheel can be accessed from the main menu or by pressing Q (keyboard), LB/L1 (Gamepad) or the mouse wheel button.
- We will expand this feature and add more emotes in the future.
- Quest Tracker
- The current implementation of the quest tracker only displays up to three quests (one main, two sides).
- In the future, we plan to have a full quest log where players will be able to choose which quests are tracked or check previously completed quests.
- There’s no option to hide the quest tracker right now (it will be available in the future).
- All capturable Temtem now have their Luma variation.
- Added Lady Lottie’s custom music.
- Added animations, visual effects, and sounds to 28 new techniques.
- Added a new BattleZone for the Windward Fort’s rooftop.
- Revised all spawn zones to make evolved Temtem rarer.
- Final recording and improvements to some music tracks: Temtem Battle, Tamer Battle, Dojo Leader Battle, Windward Fort, and Aguamarina Caves.
- Added a Release button to the Capture Temtem UI.
- Reworked animations and visual effects to 16 techniques to adapt them to our new style.
- Stage effects can now be applied at the same time visually instead of waiting for each one.
- In dual enemy battles, each enemy Tamer will now throw their own TemCards.
- Added acceleration while adding pansuns or items while trading or buying.
- Improved drag & drop on the Overworld Squad.
- Added an animation when using a healing item in the Backpack.
- Improved Trade UI with a new ending animation.
- Evolutions now have a fancy sign to cancel them.
- Long item names in the Backpack will now scroll instead of reducing its font size.
- Technique Courses will now display the technique description.
- The currently used dye will now show how many of them there are in the inventory.
- Dyeing a cosmetic will now equip it.
- Exiting the Tamer Info UI will now get you back to the Interact UI.
- Enemy AI will now calculate which Temtem is the optimal one to swap.
- Traits triggering on turn start will now have a wait time before starting the technique animations.
- Tempedia close-up poses have been tweaked and improved on all Temtem.
- Added fruits to Omninesia trees.
- Ganki
- Hypnosis removed from the learnset.
- Gazuma
- Hypnosis removed from the learnset.
- Hypnosis
- Priority decreased to Low from Normal.
- STA cost increased to 12 from 10.
- Lullaby
- Priority decreased to Low from Normal.
- STA cost increased to 27 from 25.
- Tsunami
- Synergy type changed to Wind instead of Water.
- Fixed Tamer Info UI only displaying Temtem nicknames and not default names.
- Fixed previously selected technique position reset after swapping an ally. (Assigned – Minor: Selected Move doesnt save FOR NEXT TURN )
- Fixed wrong character textures on some cinematics.
- Fixed incorrect player facial expression when opening Character Customization for the first time.
- Fixed world props not loading correctly after exiting a building. (Assigned – Gifted Bridges Missing 3D Objects )
- Fixed MiniTemporium icon incorrectly displaying on Sillaro River. (Assigned – Map Icon – Sillaro River )
- Fixed some cases where players could get stuck while sliding on crystal areas. (Duplicated – Stuck on crystal )
- Fixed Revitalize + having an incorrect hold.
- Fixed players getting stuck when exiting Omninesia’s Lift. (Assigned – stuck in wall )
- Fixed getting stuck on Deniz if the Narwhal boarding failed. (Assigned – Unable to enter Airship after completing everything that’s required of you. )
- Fixed Settings UI displaying an incorrect selection sprite after resetting the character. ([PLAIN]Assigned – Double arrows in video menu 😀 Easy to reproduce :D[/PLAIN] )
- Fixed incorrect Gear owner name after swapping a Temtem. (Assigned – gear user visual bug )
- Fixed incorrect HP display after overexertion and mirroring. (Assigned – Mirroring trait healings opponent if he overexerts )
- Fixed incorrect camera position after failing a technique due to Bamboozle or Intimidation. (Assigned – Kinu Camera Bug )
- Fixed special music like the belsoto track changing to regular battle music after an evolution. (Assigned – Belsoto battle music changes back to regular tamer battle music after evolution )
- Fixed visual artifacts on some Luma Temtem trail. (Assigned – Luma Raiber particle trail bug )
- Fixed Temtem NPC being invisible sometimes. (Assigned – Invisible temtem [FIXED] )
- Fixed Granpah not having a gender.
- Fixed players getting stuck with Tihani’s Dojo guard. (Assigned – [0.2.4] Stuck on Nanga Dojo Fence )
- Fixed Visesia dialog. (Assigned – Visesia Paparazzo sidequest bug )
- Fixed players getting stuck between NPCs in Zadar. (Assigned – [0.2.4] Stuck between Zadar NPCs )
- Fixed incorrect music playing on the player house.
- Fixed a problem that was caused by interacting with a pickable while on a moving platform.
- Fixed values not displaying properly while leveling up. (Assigned – Level Up Screen Visual Bug & Suggestion )
- Fixed technique details button not working sometimes. (Assigned – Deatils of a learned skill bug )
- Fixed Pyromaniac description not updated with the latest balance change. (Assigned – Pyromaniac is still 10% in the Details )
- Fixed Lottie’s Diary being tradeable. (Assigned – [0.2.4] Is Lady Lottie’s Diary supposed to be tradeable? )
- Fixed evolution and relearn techniques not working on Temtem stored on the Temdeck. (https://www.playtemtem.com/forums/threads/kinu-2nd-skill-slot-is-bugged.1502/ )
- Fixed not being able to drag techniques to empty spots. (https://www.playtemtem.com/forums/threads/loali-cant-use-4th-slot.1507/ )
- Fixed incorrect visual rendering on the Windward Fort. (https://www.playtemtem.com/forums/threads/shader-issue.1474/ )
- Fixed Winward Fort doors not working. (https://www.playtemtem.com/forums/threads/getting-past-the-warp-point-in-windward-fort.1465/ )
- Fixed Trade canceled after inspecting a Temtem and then selecting it for the trade. (https://www.playtemtem.com/forums/threads/trade-cancelled-when-inspecting-a-temtem.1548/ )
- Fixed going to limbo after using a Smoke Bomb. (https://www.playtemtem.com/forums/threads/0-2-4-game-breaking-windward-fort-stuck-in-space-smoke-bombs-and-client-resets-dont-unstick.1579/ )
- Fixed some visual artifacts and errors on some cosmetics.
- Fixed player position after finishing Dr.Hamijo’s cinematic.
- Fixed damage inconsistency while using Chaing Lighting against a Temtem with Fainted Curse. (https://www.playtemtem.com/forums/threads/0-2-4-chain-lightning-not-consistent.1635/)
- Fixed (hopefully) the Narwhal camera drift problems. (https://www.playtemtem.com/forums/threads/the-narwhal-to-omninesia-camera-issue.1523/)
- Fixed pickables reappearing after traveling back to Deniz. (https://www.playtemtem.com/forums/threads/0-2-4-collected-item-boxes-in-deniz-visible-again.1659/)
- Fixed player reflections being visible on Gifted Bridges. (https://www.playtemtem.com/forums/threads/0-2-4-strange-water-reflection.1662/)
- Upgraded Unity version. This should fix/improve some problems and maybe create new ones.
- Tihani’s Dojo has been simplified to turn down the difficulty.
- Capturing Temtem is easier now, the formula has been revised.
- Renamed Caffeine trait to Caffeinated.
- Renamed Gills Proficiency trait to Hydrologist.