Patch 1.4.2
We’re trying a new approach to balance changes this time around! We’ll be posting some Temtem and the changes that apply or heavily influence them all together, so you can more easily see and gauge the impact of these changes. To make sure nothing gets lost in the fray, though, these changes will still appear under their respective categories lower down below. Let us know what you think of this change, and any feedback you might have on it!
- #001 – Mimit
- DNA Extraction
- SPD Stage modification has been reduced
2⇒ 1. - Damage has been reduced
25⇒ 20.
- SPD Stage modification has been reduced
- Striking Transmog
- Damage reduction has been reduced
50%⇒ 30%.
- Damage reduction has been reduced
- Mimit is one of the most predominant Temtem in this meta. The changes to Striking Transmog have been successful in terms of gaining popularity, but we believe that its potential has gone a bit overboard. Therefore, we are making some adjustments to both Striking Transmog and DNA Extraction. We want this version of Mimit to remain strong, as its effectiveness relies on how players interpret the game and analyze win conditions; however, we also aim to provide opponents with more opportunities to counter-play. That’s why we have decided to reduce the resistance on the transformation turn for Striking and decrease the speed boost of DNA Extraction. These changes will allow the opponent’s team more room to strategize and respond.
- DNA Extraction
- #078 – Cycrox
- Digithreat
- Hold turns have been increased
1⇒ 2. - STA Cost has been reduced
29⇒ 23.
- Hold turns have been increased
- Neurotoxins
- Doom turns have been increased
3⇒ 4.
- Doom turns have been increased
- Doom has taken a twist this season with the role change to Purgation and Restore. We believe that Cycrox, specifically Neurotoxins, is in need of a rework. While this rework is forthcoming, we believe it is necessary to provide opponents with more opportunities to remove the Doom condition or to inflict as much damage as possible while the Doom counter reaches 0. Currently, with Neurotoxin set to 3 turns, Cycrox itself or a Strangle user can render a Temtem completely incapacitated without having to exert any extra pressure while the Doom counter reaches 0. This additional turn will help make these situations more manageable.
- The other Doom mechanic of this season is Digithreat. As we mentioned in the preview of patch 1.4, we aim for the Doom mechanic to serve as a finishing blow. Therefore, we intend to increase the hold requirement for moves that apply this status to prevent them from being spammed. With the rise in popularity of mental Temtem, such as Adoroboros, building a team composition around this strategy has become relatively easy, utilizing Digithreat users like Mawmense and Cycrox. This increase in hold will mean that you will have to choose more precisely when to use this tech
- Digithreat
- #122 – Shuine
- Crystal Deluge has been removed from its move pool.
- Relax has been added to its move pool.
- After receiving Crystal Deluge, this Temtem has skyrocketed its way to the top of the meta. It’s become quite the versatile player, covering a range of roles – from safeguarding its allies against status effects and swiftly setting up defenses, to dishing out damage with Water Cannon and even applying poison. Plus, with Adoroboros gaining popularity, Crystal Deluge and the high priority it has thanks to its Synergy have been keeping threats at bay way too effectively.
- However, we’re of the opinion that relying on Crystal Deluge as one of its main control tools might be a bit too much. After these changes to its move pool, we’ll be closely observing Shuine’s performance for the remainder of the Season. If it seems like some adjustments to its base stats could be in order, we’ll definitely consider giving it a little boost.
- #134 – Turoc
- HP has been reduced
105⇒ 101. - Rockfall
- Damage has been increased
75⇒ 83.
- Damage has been increased
- Rockfall (Synergy)
- Damage has been increased
75⇒ 83.
- Damage has been increased
- Tactical Strike
- Damage has been reduced
16%⇒ 12%.
- Damage has been reduced
- The nerfs we applied to this Temtem and Tactical Strike at the start of the season don’t appear to have had any impact on the potency that Turoc brings to the table. Despite implementing minor nerfs once more, we’d rather maintain this approach to avoid painting ourselves into a corner, until we pinpoint the ideal balance for Turoc in comparison to other Physical Earth Temtem.
- HP has been reduced
- #144 – Vulffy
- Sludge Gift
- STA Cost has been increased
9⇒ 13.
- STA Cost has been increased
- Team Elusive
- Now it only activates when using a damaging move.
- Vulffy currently reigns supreme in the meta. Its flexibility and reliability make it a top pick for almost any team. We want to be cautious not to over nerf this Temtem, as we think its base stats and move pool are pretty balanced. So, we’re just gonna tweak its most efficient technique and tone down its main trait, Team Elusive. These changes aim to keep Vulffy relevant in the meta while slightly reducing its overall popularity.
- Sludge Gift
That’s it for the highlighted changes! Now let’s continue normally, onto Tems, Techs, Traits and Gears.
- #007 – Platypet
- Tsunami has been added to its move pool.
- Noxious Bomb has been added to its move pool as a TC.
- #008 – Platox
- Toxin Shower has been added to its move pool.
- #010 – Swali
- Urushiol is now learned at level 14.
- Toxic Spores is now learned at level 5.
- Allergic Spread is now learned at level 35.
- Bark Shield is now learned at level 44.
- #013 – Gharunder
- Clay Ball has been removed from its move pool.
- Voltopuncture now is learned at level 5.
- Tesla Prison is now learned at level 12.
- Gharunder is one of the most common Temtem used during this Season. After the changes to Beef Up, players seemed to use that slot for Clay Ball, which serves as an excellent coverage move for an electric-type Temtem, as well as a valuable tool for speed control. Following the same reasoning we had with the removal of Stone Ball from Tateru, we are going to remove Clay Ball from Gharunder to prevent this Temtem from occupying a slot that rightfully belongs to Earth Temtem.
- #021 – Bunbun
- Soil Steam has been added to its move pool as a TC.
- Quartz Dirt has been added to its move pool as a TC.
- Stone Ball has been added to its move pool.
- Crystal Deluge has been added to its move pool.
- #022 – Mudrid
- DEF has been increased
42⇒ 44. - SPDEF has been increased
50⇒ 52.
- DEF has been increased
- #023 – Hidody
- Dust Vortex has been added to its move pool.
- Frond Whip has been added to its move pool.
- #025 – Fomu
- Water Cannon has been added to its move pool.
- Gust has been added to its move pool.
- #026 – Wiplump
- Water Cannon is now learned at level 42.
- Gust is now learned at level 57.
- Tornado is now learned at level 73.
- Hibernate is now learned at level 100.
- #027 – Skail
- Ninja Jutsu has been added to its move pool.
- Savage Suplex has been added to its move pool.
- #028 – Skunch
- Ninja Jutsu is now learned at level 32.
- Inner Spirit is now learned at level 56.
- Savage Suplex is now learned at level 42.
- Wrenching Massage is now learned at level 73.
- #029 – Goty
- Goring has been added to its move pool.
- Execution has been added to its move pool.
- Base Jump has been added to its move pool as a TC.
- Held Anger has been added to its move pool as a TC.
- #039 – Lapinite
- Sharpening has been added to its move pool as a TC.
- Crystal Bite has been added to its move pool.
- #040 – Azuroc
- Madness Buff is now learned at level 37.
- Crystal Bite is now learned at level 24.
- Quartz Shield has been added to its move pool.
- #042 – Reval
- Fire Flame has been added to its move pool.
- Quetza-leño has been added to its move pool as a TC.
- Horror has been added to its move pool as a TC.
- #044 – Bigu
- Aqua Stone has been added to its move pool.
- Iced Stalactite has been added to its move pool.
- Harmful Lick has been added to its move pool.
- Laundry has been added to its move pool as a TC.
- #046 – 0b1
- Cooperation has been added to its move pool.
- Electric Storm has been added to its move pool.
- #048 – Kaku
- Humiliating Slap has been added to its move pool.
- Turbine has been added to its move pool.
- Frond Whip has been added to its move pool.
- Urushiol is now learned at level 4.
- Nimble is now learned at level 7.
- #049 – Saku
- ATK has been increased
71⇒ 74. - DEF has been increased
68⇒ 72. - SPDEF has been increased
70⇒ 74. - Our original intention was for Saku to serve as a raid boss for this Season. However, we acknowledge that the absence of self-buffing tools and the removal of Bark Shield appeared to contradict this concept. We hope that with the addition of Petal Dagger at the start of the Season and this increase in base stats, Saku can find a new role where it performs better.
- ATK has been increased
- #055 – Occlura
- Clinch has been added to its move pool.
- Hallucination has been added to its move pool.
- #056 – Myx
- STA has been increased
59⇒ 61. - DEF has been increased
43⇒ 53. - HP has been increased
51⇒ 58. - SPD has been increased
65⇒ 68. - AoE techniques have become quite common these past seasons, which has become an issue even for Puppet Master Myx. Hopefully, these stat boosts can amp up Myx’s game, whether Puppet Master’s in play or not.
- STA has been increased
- #059 – Raican
- SPDEF has been increased
54⇒ 57.
- SPDEF has been increased
- #062 – Scarawatt
- Defibrillate has been added to its move pool.
- Earthbreaker has been added to its move pool.
- Drought has been added to its move pool as a TC.
- #066 – Osuchi
- Nito Seiho has been added to its move pool.
- Uppercut has been added to its move pool.
- #067 – Osukan
- Petrify has been added to its move pool.
- Rockfall has been added to its move pool.
- Base Jump has been added to its move pool as a TC.
- #068 – Osukai
- SPDEF has been increased
51⇒ 53. - Inner Spirit has been added to its move pool.
- Osukai has been feeling the impact of the Slingshot tweak we introduced at the beginning of the season. Nonetheless, we believe that Temtem should find their balance based on their entire kit, rather than relying too heavily on just one piece of gear. By adding a touch of SPDEF and incorporating Inner Spirit into its move pool, we aim to enhance the offensive capabilities of Osukai. While these adjustments might seem modest, we want to make safe changes with this Temtem as it has what we consider one of the strongest interactions in the game in the form of Sensei+Hook, which allows Osukai to scale while dealing substantial damage simultaneously.
- SPDEF has been increased
- #070 – Pycko
- Sand Storm has been added to its move pool.
- Fiery Soul has been added to its move pool.
- #071 – Drakash
- Fiery Soul is now learned at level 42.
- Hellfire is now learned at level 76.
- Dust Vortex has been added to its move pool.
- We’ve been considering the idea of giving Drakash Dust Vortex for a while. However, we wanted to test it properly as it is a heavy-hitting technique and we didn’t want to overtune the Temtem. After observing how the Temtem performed following the initial buff at the start of the season, it became apparent that it needed something powerful to use before Fire Tornado came into play.
- #076 – Shaolite
- Dim Mak has been added to its move pool.
- Inner Spirit has been added to its move pool.
- Cheer Up has been added to its move pool.
- #077 – Shaolant
- Haito Uchi has been added to its move pool.
- The support version of Shaolant that we buffed for this Season was missing a suitable option for the first few turns, something to kickstart the action on early turns. While Cooperation has its merits, it doesn’t quite cut it on the second turn. That’s where Haito Uchi comes into play. We’ve also added Cheer Up to the mix to further enhance its supportive toolkit, giving it a bit more impact in this role. Additionally, we’ve tweaked Composure to become available a bit earlier; this adjustment might help put a cap on the scaling of certain Temtem, but time will tell. We will keep an eye on this Temtem to see if it needs anything else for next season.
- #079 – Hocus
- Horror has been added to its move pool as a TC.
- #086 – Magmis
- Meteor Swarm has been added to its move pool.
- #090 – Galvanid
- Electropunch has been added to its move pool.
- #091 – Raignet
- Electropunch is now learned at level 40.
- Thunder Strike is now learned at level 48.
- #096 – Gorong
- ATK has been increased
71⇒ 75.
- ATK has been increased
- #097 – Mitty
- Nightmare Feed has been added to its move pool.
- #103 – Deendre
- Water Cutting Lily has been added to its move pool.
- #105 – Toxolotl
- Harmful Lick has been added to its move pool.
- Virulent Gust has been added to its move pool.
- #106 – Noxolotl
- Virulent Gust is now learned at level 50.
- Harmful Lick is now learned at level 58.
- Acid Reflux is now learned at level 66.
- #109 – Zephyruff
- Noxious Bomb has been added to its move pool as a TC.
- #110 – Volarend
- ATK has been increased
56⇒ 66. - After the implementation of the Anaerobic changes we’ve seen that Volarend was falling a bit behind the rest of the Temtem. Beefing up its ATK should give it a solid boost in popularity, but in a much more balanced way. In addition, we think that this Temtem could help with common threats that have been seeing during the season, such as Hazrat or Oceara.
- ATK has been increased
- #111 – Grumvel
- Dust Vortex has been added to its move pool.
- Petrify has been added to its move pool.
- Sparks has been added to its move pool.
- #112 – Grumper
- STA has been increased
50⇒ 55. - SPDEF has been increased
67⇒ 69. - Dust Vortex is now learned at level 50.
- Electric Storm is now learned at level 63.
- Earthbreaker is now learned at level 96.
- STA has been increased
- #117 – Droply
- Flood has been added to its move pool.
- Rockfall has been added to its move pool.
- Ice Stalactite has been added to its move pool.
- Soil Steam has been added to its move pool as a TC.
- #118 – Garyo
- Rockfall is now learned at level 50.
- Earthbreaker is now learned at level 78.
- #121 – Broccolem
- HP has been increased
79⇒ 81. - SPDEF has been increased
73⇒ 77.
- HP has been increased
- #122 – Shuine
- Crystal Deluge has been removed from its move pool.
- Relax has been added to its move pool.
- #127 – Kalazu
- Laundry has been added to its move pool as a TC.
- #129 – Adoroboros
- SPDEF has been reduced
112⇒ 107.
- SPDEF has been reduced
- #134 – Turoc
- HP has been reduced
105⇒ 101.
- HP has been reduced
- #147 – Mawtle
- Plasma Beam has been added to its move pool.
- Resin Trap has been added to its move pool.
- #148 – Mawmense
- Plasma Beam is now learned at level 55.
- #151 – Minox
- Blackhole has been added to its move pool.
- #152 – Minothor
- Piezoelectric Blow is now learned at level 94.
- Blackhole is now learned at level 68.
- Leech
- Damage has been increased
95⇒ 104.
- Damage has been increased
- Leech (Synergy)
- Damage has been increased
95⇒ 115. - Taifu is quite unexplored right now. We agree, however, that Leech does not have the potential we would like for it after the “rework”. We hope this buff will allow us to have more data about Taifu to see what possible changes it might need in the future.
- Damage has been increased
- Rockfall
- Damage has been increased
75⇒ 83.
- Damage has been increased
- Rockfall (Synergy)
- Damage has been increased
75⇒ 83. - Nerfing Turoc and Tactical Strike might not be enough to help the rest of Physical Earth Temtem. Rockfall should keep being a great technique on Turoc’s move pool but it should also be a better tool for the rest of Earth Temtem that have access to it.
- Damage has been increased
- Hook
- STA Cost has been reduced
24⇒ 19. - After changing Slingshot with the arrival of the new season, users of this technique have fallen in use substantially. The reduction of its Stamina cost should help some Hook users to improve in the meta while we analyze them for the next upcoming season.
- STA Cost has been reduced
- Diamond Fort
- Hold turns have been reduced
3⇒ 2. - STA Cost has been increased
17⇒ 19. - The changes made to this technique didn’t quite meet our expectations, so we’re bringing back its original hold to see if this move has the value we originally wanted for it. Additionally, we’re keeping a close watch on certain users for potential adjustments in the upcoming season.
- Hold turns have been reduced
- Misogi
- Clear all Stage modifications effect has been removed.
- Clear all negative Stage modifications effect has been added.
- Misogi (Synergy)
- Clear all negative Stage modifications effect has been removed.
- Clear all Stage modifications effect has been added.
- After reading the feedback for this technique we’ve seen that the idea was good for stall/bulky Temtem. However, it might have posed a challenge in terms of usability due to a crucial effect being linked to a Synergy. This change should help to clear debuffs and allow Temtem to stay a bit more in battle to help them do their thing. The “reset” aspect will remain tied to the Synergy, ensuring its effectiveness in various scenarios.
- Sludge Gift
- STA Cost has been increased
9⇒ 13.
- STA Cost has been increased
- Chain Heal
- STA Cost has been reduced
23⇒ 18.
- STA Cost has been reduced
- Stone Wall
- STA Cost has been reduced
18⇒ 15.
- STA Cost has been reduced
- Hyperkinetic Strike
- STA Cost has been reduced
28⇒ 25.
- STA Cost has been reduced
- DNA Extraction
- SPD Stage modification has been reduced
2⇒ 1. - Damage has been reduced
25⇒ 20.
- SPD Stage modification has been reduced
- Hibernate
- % STA recovery has been reduced
35%⇒ 15%. - The main winner with the rework of Building Blocks, Yowlar, had to receive an adjustment in the form of a nerf for Hibernate. The HP recovery it was getting proved to be more than sufficient for this Temtem, so this change might help cut down on the time Yowlar spends in battles, all while maintaining a more balanced approach.
- % STA recovery has been reduced
- Composure
- Hold turns have been reduced
3⇒ 2.
- Hold turns have been reduced
- Digithreat
- Hold turns have been increased
1⇒ 2. - STA Cost has been reduced
29⇒ 23.
- Hold turns have been increased
- Tactical Strike
- Damage increase has been reduced
16%⇒ 12%.
- Damage increase has been reduced
- Refurbished
- Regenerating turns have been reduced
4⇒ 3.
- Regenerating turns have been reduced
- Scavenger
- Percentage of HP restored has been increased
17%⇒ 20%.
- Percentage of HP restored has been increased
- Team Elusive
- Now it only activates when using a damaging move.
- Striking Transmog
- Damage reduction has been reduced
50%⇒ 30%.
- Damage reduction has been reduced
- Neurotoxins
- Doom turns have been increased
3⇒ 4.
- Doom turns have been increased
- Puppet Master
- HP needed to be activated has been increased
40%⇒ 45%
- HP needed to be activated has been increased
- Building Blocks
- Turns needed to be enabled have been increased
3⇒ 4. - While we were quite pleased with the rework we implemented for this Gear this Season, it might be overperforming. We’re going to extend the number of turns required for the Gear to be activated, and we’re even considering a complete overhaul for the next Season. This Season’s rework had a notable impact on the game, and looking back at examples like Slingshot or Morale-Boosting Whip, we’ve come to the conclusion that providing “free” stats through Gears is something we want to steer clear of moving forward.
- Turns needed to be enabled have been increased
- Morale-Boosting Whip
- STA reduction has been reduced
25%⇒ 20%. - Invigorated turns have been increased
2⇒ 3.
- STA reduction has been reduced
All platforms
- Fixed a desynchronization in HP caused by Target Replicator being procced along with Self Care that could lead to getting stuck in-game.
- 👥Fixed a desynchronization when playing Draft Arena if we open the tutorial and hit play at the same time.
- 👥Fixed Trade House notifications stacking after using the Clear All button.
- 👥Fixed being forced to use your first Competitive Squad in Dojo Wars.
- 👥Fixed being left with all Temtem at 0 HP after a tie with a wild Temtem, and suffering a hardlock if the player started another fight right after.
- 👥Fixed being able to see other players’ Gears in a Ranked match if some circumstances were met.
- 👥Fixed some issues in DigiLairs after defeating the boss that would cause it to swap instead of faint when defeated.
- Fixed being unable to choose the sub-type of Chromeon and Koish in Showdown.
- 👥Fixed some issues with the progression of Kudos that had to do with secondary quests, including Good Samaritan and Explorer.
- Fixed Unique Lair bonuses stacking with each other when they shouldn’t.
- Fixed uncatchable Temtem still appearing in the Randomlocke mode.
- 👥Fixed being able to sneak into the Dojo Parks if you have lag and can move while the dialogues play.
- 👥Fixed Mimit placing itself in the slot of the rival Temtem it copies if said Temtem has Evading.
- Fixed seeing only one of the two available pre-made builds on Showdown if you had selected a Tem which only had one pre-made build.
- Fixed some issues in the Intrigue in Cipanku quest’s dialogues.
- Fixed getting an error while trying to inspect an egg made by a female Nagaise and a male Koish.
- Fixed a visual issue with Petal Dagger’s VFX.
- Fixed some missing dialogue lines for Nalla.
- Fixed an error in the description for the Crystallize Technique.
- Fixed a mistranslation for the Keys of Rage Seal.
- Fixed the translations for Wrecked Farewell having the old description of it.
- 👥Fixed an error in the French translation of Apothecary and Tri-apothecary.
- 👥Fixed an error in the French translation of Ruminant.
- 👥Fixed Misogi having the old description in French.
- 👥Fixed a housing item appearing in Spanish while having the game set to English.
- 👥Fixed the bug that was causing players to be unable to interact with spawned Tems in a Radar.
Fixes, features, and improvements marked with the 👥 icon are originally suggested, inspired by, or reported by our community in our Discord server.