Patch 0.8.2
The following patch notes contain spoilers about the story. Please proceed only if you have already completed the main Campaign quest.
While this patch does not contain balance changes, we’re aware that there are some tweaks to be made and we will get to it once we (and the world) return from the holidays. Balance changes are never as straight-forward as bug fixes, and we don’t want to rush them and make mistakes. We apologize for the inconveniences and thank you for your patience 💚
- Fixed a softlock when skipping a dialogue with One Eyed Matthew at Properton.
- Fixed constantly seeing another Player at every location, even during cutscenes. You’re on your own now.
- 👥Fixed Zaobian and Minox having a 0 catch rate.
- Fixed that Heavy Armor was not available in-game. Heavy Armor is now in.
- 👥Fixed that using a Minimonolith would open the TemDeck if a Player opened a Temtem’s Details from the TemDeck before using the item.
- Fixed some Traits that were not working correctly after receiving certain bonuses during a Lair.
- Fixed the Explorer Kudo not working properly.
- Fixed the Inheritance Kudo unlocking without the need of an egg move.
- Fixed being able to hover over Gears that were unavailable in the Backpack, and that it would cause them to appear available.
- 👥Fixed being able to select a higher amount of a furniture item than what the Player actually had when trying the sell them to an NPC.
- 👥Fixed Mawtle, Mawmense, Tutsu and Anatan not having their TVs properly configurated.
- Fixed not being able to breed an Arachnyte that had their trait Adaptative activated in a battle prior.
- 👥Fixed Nutrition Bar only working for 3 turns instead of the correct 4.
- 👥Fixed enemy Temtem in the Lairs having techs that they should only learn at higher levels.
- 👥Fixed Adia being shown during the pub cinematic while the Player was talking to Carlos.
- 👥Fixed Domenico’s last dialogue option not starting a battle at Greenglen Forest.
- Fixed that some character names weren’t using the color system in the dialogues of the cinematic following defeating Konstantinos.
- Fixed Sima’s avatar not appearing while talking to them at their house in Lochburg.
- Fixed that the Character Creation’s cosmetics would not load on the UI after trying to use an unavailable name.
- 👥Fixed Telobos’ collision at Sacred Lake not being disabled.
- Fixed a duplicated NPC at Telobos that is placed out of limits.
- 👥Properton’s Port Authority NPC removed from the Postal Service Pool, since they leave.
- 👥Fixed the NPC name not being referenced properly in a dialogue with Alyssa at Properton if playing in French.
Fixes, features, and improvements marked with the 👥 icon are originally suggested, inspired by, or reported by our community in our Forums.