2 days to Early Access Launch! The Bosses and Minibosses of Temtem: Swarm
Temtem: Swarm is launching in just 2 days, and we wanted to commemorate every step along the way.
The fearsome and awesome bosses and mini bosses of Temtem: Swarm finally get their spotlight!
Dangerous acolytes
Before you can face the big dudes in each map, you’ll have to prove yourself against their minions! Two mini bosses await you in each arena, each one of them carefully elected to match that arena’s typings and lore. The first mini boss will spawn at minute 5, and the second will spawn at minute 10.
They will spawn regardless of where you are and what you’re doing, and they don’t care how swarmed you are at the time! Most mini bosses have two or three special attacks, every one different from the others, that they’ll try to punish you with, so take a second to observe their patterns before launching in! One fun fact? You don’t have to defeat the mini bosses as long as you defeat the boss, but the level of challenge goes through the roof with these three beasts on screen plus the swarm. Don’t say we didn’t warn you!
Defeating mini bosses will grant you a chest with delicious perks, but might also give you Kudos progression and eggs!
Regents of the isles
So you’ve defeated the mini bosses and the clock is inching towards minute 15, are you ready, Tamer? At minute 15, the boss of the map will spawn. Like with mini bosses, it’ll show no regard for you, where you are or how chaotic your situation is.
Bosses have a fuller kit, with 4 to 5 special techniques and attacks. Also, bosses will charge at you, and they swerve!
Defeating the boss is the victory condition in Temtem: Swarm, so give it your best! It’ll also reward you in Kudos, eggs, and progression towards unlocking more content.
Bosses were chosen with a “they have to be special” approach, while leaving room to design a cool kit for them. They had to feel more unique and rare than the playable character, so most are final stage evolutions, which emphasizes their perceived strength. Many are Tems that are hard to find in the original Temtem game. We also, of course, kept in mind the map they were going to appear in and made sure their types and appearances aligned!
Here are the two bosses you should be already familiar with from our Playtesting and Demo period, Oceara and Nessla:
Oceara is a pure water powerhouse, strong against Fire types, but weak against Nature and Electric type attacks. She’ll show off with long-range attacks like Water Blade and Flood, charge at you with Water Charge and heal herself with the Sanative Rain. And if you hear Oceara’s battle cry, prepare for Serbatiyo’s Wrath!
Nessla is a slithering bundle of water and electricity that will put your speed to the test! She pairs her Electric Charge with menacing, projected attacks like Electric Storm, Electrowhip or Aqua Helix. Oh, but her most unique attack is Nessla’s Horn, a homing projectile that will follow you for a while. Keep running, Tamer!
We didn’t want to spoiler the bosses for the new arenas, but rest assured they’re just as cool, formidable and impressive as these two!
We hope you’re as excited for Temtem: Swarm’s launch as we are. Launch week has started, and we’re melting in excitement and pressure over here!
Have fun and Temtem up, and until then remember you can