1 day left! Temtem: Swarm launches in Early Access tomorrow!
Temtem: Swarm is launching TOMORROW, and we wanted to commemorate every step along the way.
We want to help new players embark into their Temtem adventure with all possible info, so we’re going over two core gameplay features: Kudos and the Skill Tree.
Badges of progression
Kudos might seem like they’re just internal achievements, but in Temtem: Swarm they mean so much more! Kudos are the key to unlock a lot of content, like Synergies, Skill Tree nodes, Pansuns, even new Gears!
Achieving Kudos can happen while playing normally, but some require thorough playing! You won’t be able to unlock all Kudos from the start, though. Instead, Kudos go through three stages: Locked, Unlocked and Achieved.
The Locked stage is where we all start from. You cannot see what the Kudo is about at this stage, nor what the reward is. You must play until you discover this Kudo. You’ll get a list of discovered (and completed) Kudos at the end of a run, so keep an eye on them!
Please note that the Kudo shown in the screenshot is one that hasn’t been added to the game yet. You’ll be able to tell these apart by the Coming soon! sign.
Then, once you’ve unlocked and discovered the Kudo, you’ll be given the instructions on what to do to achieve it. At this status it’s basically a matter of time! Not all Kudos are created equally, so some are way harder to achieve than others, but they also provide juicier rewards. Here’s an example of a discovered Kudo that hasn’t yet been achieved:
Last, but not least, you’ll achieve the Kudo, yay! This will happen during the match, and you’ll be notified on the end screen of the run. The rewards will be added automatically, and you can start enjoying them right there, or in the next match. Achieving a Kudo will also unlock a fragment of the hidden picture, will you be able to map out the entire image?
There are more than 340 Kudos in-game in the Early Access version, so we believe you’ll be entertained with these for a while. Persevere, Tamers!
Improve, adapt, overcome
Skill Trees are at the core of the Temtem: Swarm experience, and we don’t say this lightly! Your Skill Tree can be the difference between winning and losing a run, and you enjoying some extra perks or not!
Every Temtem has its own Skill Tree, and they work separately from each other. Progressing in one Skill Tree will remain on that one Temtem, never extending to others. But don’t rush it! You will only be able to access Skill Trees after defeating Cipanku’s first mini boss, Cycrox.
To unlock and upgrade Skill Tree nodes you have to spend Pansuns on them. The amount of Pansuns required will change depending on the level of the node unlocked, or how significant the unlocked perk is! To give you an example, increasing the amount of Gears a Temtem can carry during a match is more expensive than increasing its maximum HP by 10%. It does make sense, right?
Since there’s so many different Skill Tree nodes that you can unlock, we’re aware that exploration is going to be key, so we are providing you with the option to reset a Skill Tree at any given time, get the Pansuns spent in that Skill Tree back into its wallet, and start appointing those Pansuns anew! Do keep in mind that the Pansuns spent on one Skill Tree will always be tied to that Tem, so if you reset the Tree you will only be able to use those Pansuns on that same Tem.
Two important bits of info that you need to know for the Early Access version are: first, if you had played during our Demo and progressed in any Skill Tree, or many, we’re resetting them all and refunding you the Pansuns spent with no ties to any Skill Tree in particular! This is the only time Pansuns spent in one Skill Tree can be reallocated into another, but we didn’t want to force you to play exactly the same way as before when so much new content has been unlocked.
Second, we’ve implemented a little cap on Skill Tree spending. This will only be in place during the Early Access period, and it will be increased with every update we make. The cap will be entirely removed once we reach the full version.
While we don’t inherently want to limit the possibilities in the current gameplay, not doing so creates a problem for future patches, where the more dedicated players are going to be overleveled for any new content when it releases. This has happened before, during our Early Access experience in the original Temtem game, so we wanted to take some precautions in order to partially avoid it.
To leave you on a sweet note, the starting Temtem, Platypet and Smazee, already start with a bit of pocket money to spend on their Skill Trees, so you can get a head start on those two! Remember you’ll have to defeat Cycrox first, though!
We hope you’re as excited for Temtem: Swarm’s launch as we are. The days have flown by, and tomorrow is already launch day… it feels unreal to even say it.
Have fun and Temtem up, and until then remember you can