Patch 1.4.1
- 👥Added the visual indicators for effectiveness (the red and green circles) to PvP matches.
- Added a choice in Settings to be shown pre-made Temtem builds again if you had deactivated it previously.
- 👥Added different dye slots to the Hocus costume so you can make the Luma version!
- Mask and short hair had its price decreased from
4k⇒ 3k Pansuns.
- Petal Dagger’s ETC has been added to the loot pools.
- Denigrate’s ETC has been added to the loot pools.
- Plasma Beam’s ETC has been added to the loot pools.
- Blue Screen’s ETC has been added to the loot pools.
- #007 – Platypet
- Toxic Slime has been added to its move pool.
- #010 – Swali
- Urushiol is now learned at level 14.
- Toxic Spores is now learned at level 5.
- #024 – Taifu
- Lullaby is now learned by level at level 60.
- Intimidation has been added as an egg technique.
- #047 – 0b10
- Blue Screen has been removed from its move pool.
- #048 – Kaku
- Urushiol is now learned at level 4.
- Nimble is now learned at level 7.
- #072 – Drakash
- Toughen has been added to its move pool.
- #078 – Cycrox
- Wastewater has been added to its move pool.
- #106 – Noxolotl
- Horror is no longer a TC move.
- Horror is now learned at level 80.
- #108 – Goolder
- Madness Buff is no longer a TC move.
- Madness Buff is now learned at level 80.
- #118 – Garyo
- Chain Heal has been added to its move pool.
- #140 – Vulcrane
- Roar has been added to its move pool.
- #160 – Monkko
- Blue Screen has been removed from its move pool.
- Soul Shout is now learned at level 77.
- Reset is now learned at level 89.
Due to an error uploading the patch, Blue Screen hasn’t yet been removed from Monkko and 0b10. It will be removed on 5/07 after a quick maintenance.
- Blue Screen:
- Priority has been reduced
High⇒ Normal.
- Priority has been reduced
- Zen Meditation
- STA Cost has been increased
0⇒ 9. - Hold Turns have been increased
2⇒ 3.
- STA Cost has been increased
- Ice Cubes
- Cold Turns have been reduced
1⇒ 0.
- Cold Turns have been reduced
- Ice Cubes (Synergy)
- Type needed for enabling the Synergy has been changed
Water⇒ Wind.
- Type needed for enabling the Synergy has been changed
All platforms
- 👥 Fixed getting softlocked before stating the 2nd combat in the GritArena.
- 👥 Fixed being unable to reach the Temtem: Showdown lobby if we were choosing one specific visual preset that was bugged.
- 👥 Fixed Mythical bosses being untargetable in their last life.
- 👥 Fixed eggs purchased in the Trade House opening instantly after reconnecting.
- Fixed the Clear All Notifications button not working correctly if pressed with a mouse click.
- Fixed the issue that was making the Pride event props not work properly after being interacted with.
- 👥 Fixed having to click one extra time to run from a wild encounter.
- Fixed that modifying TVs and SVs in Showdown would make the TCs and ETCs of that Temtem disappear too.
- 👥Fixed some issues in the TemSafari when having a Koish+Chromeon in your team, or an Oree+Zaobian+Arachnyte.
- 👥Fixed that items claimed in an event would appear reclaimable again if we enter the Evershifting Tower.
- 👥 Fixed getting some visual and gameplay errors after running away from battle using both keyboard and mouse at the same time.
- 👥Fixed seeing the Showdown recommendations in the wrong order if we have the Tempedia sorted out alphabetically.
- 👥 Fixed Source Replicator only copying one stat if two Status Conditions are applied at the same time.
- Fixed the textures on the Hocus costume.
- Fixed losing navigating input when using a controller if we used a shortcut to use an item during battle and there was no item to use.
- Fixed a case where the Tempedia would scroll all the way down if you were trying to hover over some Tems’ portraits.
- Fixed some issues with coming back too fast from inspecting another Tamer.
- Fixed that going back from the pre-made build selection screen would take us to editing a Temtem.
- Fixed that Tems in the Breeding Center stay on scene if we change rooms.
Fixes, features, and improvements marked with the 👥 icon are originally suggested, inspired by, or reported by our community in our Discord server.