Patch 0.9.1
- Dyes can now be bought and sold at the Trade House.
- 👥Added a new minimum fertility filter to the Trade House filter options.
- 👥Added two new possible durations for Auctions at the Trade House: 7 days and 14 days.
- 👥We’ve changed the sorting indicators to make them clearer.
- We’ve tweaked the StickTem! quest a bit. It will now take less stickers to obtain the Competitive Gears, although the big prize remains at 200 stickers.
- 👥Added a new tutorial that triggers when you access your Temdeck while having spaces locked.
- This tutorial indicates players where to start the Storage quest, and will hopefully make the process more streamlined for returning players who might not read patch notes.
- 👥The StickTem! Album will now show the name of unowned Stickers.
- The idea behind this change is to make easier the tracking and trading of missing Stickers.
- 👥The Sticker Restorer will now find the matching damaged sticker to the one provided by the player, instead of having players manually look for the pair.
- Some Dojo War notifications have been changed to include the players’ and Dojo names.
- 👥Dojo Park challenge fee has been reduced from
1500⇒ 1200 Pansun.- This change had already been applied, but not properly registered in proper notes.
- 👥We’ve redistributed the tax percentages for auction house listings: the initial tax has been lowered from 5% to 2%, and the rest of the percentage has been moved down to the post-buy tax.
- We’ve received the feedback that listing Tems was too much of a risk due to how high the initial tax was, as well as the limitations on duration time.
- We’ve changed the minimum value for buyouts to 200 Pansun.
- Bye-bye, listings ending in 1 Pansun.
- The difference between the Buyout and Bid price has been increased to 100 Pansun.
#069 – Saipat
- SPDEF has been increased
45⇒ 50. - This change was meant to be applied in patch 0.8.3, but failed to. Saipat has been sporting a fashionable 45 SPDEF points all this time.
- Fixed first Bid to claim always being a Smokebomb with 0 as quantity in the Player’s My Bids menu of the Trade House.
- 👥Fixed not being able to run using a controller.
- 👥Fixed getting stuck in a corner using the Mouse Movement.
- Fixed a softlock when using the filter on the Temdeck while having Temdeck spaces locked.
- Fixed competitive squads and ranked matches being locked during the full duration of a Dojo War.
- Fixed that you couldn’t promote a member of the club after unsubscribing from a Dojo War.
- Fixed getting the item/Tem automatically when bidding in an Auction that had a few seconds left, even if it visually indicated the 2 minute extension.
- Fixed Temtem not being registered in the Tempedia and not counting for the Kudo when they were obtained through the Trade House.
- Fixed not being able to select the Descending Sort order in the Trade House UI if a Player had lost connection with this option selected.
- Fixed Filtered View by Level in the Trade House showing Temtem over the level range indicated in the Filter.
- Fixed Tutorial prompts not being shown with their correspondent key.
- Fixed that trainer combat was reset at Kilima Peaks.
- Fixed image flickering on the first sticker picked.
- Fixed the egg techniques Trade House filter being only available if the egg filter was active.
- 👥Fixed being able to see the changes made in a Temtem after selling it at the trade house while not claiming the Pansuns.
- 👥Fixed techniques not being changed when finding a ranked match while changing techniques in the Temtem details menu.
- Fixed surf mount not visually appearing after picking anything near water and going into surf.
- Fixed being able to trigger a wild combat when auto-dismounting to perform hook jumps, climb walls or enter buildings.
- Fixed being able to filter eggs by their trait even though they hadn’t been assigned a trait in the UI yet
- Fixed not being able to capture Temtem if, after a Player had all the boxes available full, they increased the storage through the TemDeck Up! quest.
- Fixed stickers’ and mounts’ names being autocompleted in the Item Filter of the Trade House.
- Fixed tax number not updating visually when a Player deactivated then reactivated the Buyout option when posting a new auction.
- Fixed seeing an empty battlebox in the Temdeck if a Player lost connection while having the Details of one of the Temtem in that battlebox open.
- Fixed Koish and Chromeon having their base form on their portraits in the “My Auctions” section of the Trade House while being available to be claimed.
- Fixed losing UI focus after removing a Temtem or an item in a trade while using a gamepad.
- 👥Fixed the camera getting stuck if a Player, during the “Lights, camera, action!” quest, selected the second option in the dialogue after receiving the Handcuffs Gear.
- Fixed the Search House UI not displaying correctly.
Fixes, features, and improvements marked with the 👥 icon are originally suggested, inspired by, or reported by our community in our Forums.