Swarm – Patch 0.5
- If you played Temtem: Swarm’s Playtest, or Demo, your progress for the Early Access release is maintained. However, all the Skill Trees upgrades have been refunded to you, and all the spent Pansuns are back in your inventory and not tied to any particular Temtem, so you are free to spend them again in whichever Temtem you like.
- Added 3 new maps: Arbury, Tucma, and Saipark.
- As a homage to the original Temtem game, the Saipark stage will feature a number of different Swarm waves that will rotate daily. We’ll be adding more wave configurations in the future so there’s more variety!
- Saipark will also hold some more special things in the future, but that will have to wait a bit ✨
- Added 3 new playable Tems: Smazee, Houchic and Crystle.
- Smazee has been added as a starter Temtem, and will be available from the initial selection along Platypet. This way players can choose one or another to start their adventures into Swarm!
- You can unlock Houchic and Crystle from eggs, like you’ve been doing so far!
- Added 12 new Techniques and 20 new Synergies.
- We’ve added lots of new enemy Tems, accompanied by some new enemy behaviors that will surely challenge your survival chances!
- 👥Frontal-facing techniques can now be aimed using the mouse or the second joystick.
- When aiming, a small arrow will appear around the Temtem to indicate the path they are going to follow.
- When not aimed, these techniques will automatically target the nearest enemy instead.
- We didn’t want to lose being able to move using the mouse, so you will now be able to select the mouse behaviour in the settings between Click & Aim (it will only work for aiming now) and Click & Follow (it will only work for moving).
- Not being able to aim has been, without any doubt, the biggest issue we got during our Playtesting and Demo periods. We’re so happy we’ve been able to fulfill this massive task in the short time between the Demo and the Early Access release, and we quite like the result. The current implementation should work for all kind of players since everyone’s still able to just ignore aiming and keep playing as before, but better, because now those techniques will auto-aim to the closest target.
- 👥Each stage will now have a Pansun multiplier that will affect all Pansun gains in that stage. As difficulty progresses with each new stage, so will the Pansuns you earn!
- Starter Tems (Platypet & Smazee) will now have a small amount of Pansuns in their individual Temtem wallets, so you can get a head start on their Skill Trees.
- Added +250 in-game Kudos.
- We’ve added Steam Achievements:
- 62 Achievements are available for this release, and we will keep adding more with each bigger patch during the Early Access.
- If you got some of these achievements during the Playtesting or the Demo, the achievements will be instantly unlocked when opening the game now!
- 👥Each player now has three different save slots to use.
- Players can swap their current save slot in a new menu, located in the Settings.
- They can now also reset a save to start from scratch.
- Using this screen, players can check their progress in their save, indicated by the percentage of Kudo completion and the total playtime.
- Added a Quality selector to the settings menu. Using this, players can choose between different graphical quality presets (low, medium, high) which can improve the performance of the game on lower spec devices. Players are also able to customize each individual setting instead of choosing a pre-defined preset.
- Added tutorials for the Skill Tree.
- 👥We’ve hugely reworked how Spots (in-game events) are spawned and positioned:
- Before, spots were pre-determined in both type (Nest, Pansun Fest…) and location, leading to them being predictable and getting boring after a few runs.
- Now spots will spawn randomly through the run, so each game will be different. There are a lot of rules in place so as not to swamp players with too many spots (or too few), and we hope it feels much better than before overall. We’ll be listening to your reactions to this change!
- We’re planning a further and deeper rework on Spots, which includes reworking some of the current Spot types, creating new ones and reworking their rewards too. We’ll be working on this on future patches during the Early Access period.
- The new default gamepad button for using the ultimate is now LB (LT can also be used), and the button for dash is now RB (RT can be used too).
- We’re working on the controller and key remap feature, and we’re hoping to have it relatively soon! With this you’ll be able to set your keys and buttons any way you prefer.
- We’re really sorry about your muscle memory, but this button setting feels much nicer overall now that you need to use your second thumb in the joystick too.
- Pansuns will now display with decimals.
- This was already happening internally due to Pansun multipliers like the Panloupe, but now the info will be displayed to players.
- At the end of the run, Pansun decimals will be rounded down to the closest number.
- The Kudos menu now has a pre-selection menu, or lobby, if you will, which improves the navigation and allows players to directly zoom in into any specific Kudo group they want to check out.
- We’ve improved the loading screen. It will now showcase the selected Temtem (or Tems when playing in a co-op party), and it will also show interesting tips or fun facts!
- Techniques will now display their targeting on their little info card, so players can better know how they will behave when picked.
- Improved the visibility and readability of the status conditions affecting the player.
- Only the two closest healing items will be displayed as markers in the map now, in order to avoid too much clutter on screen.
- Leaving a run will now go through the same flow as getting knocked-out, so doing this will get players to the end-of-run screen. This will allow you to unlock Kudos and receive the rewards gathered during the run.
- 👥Reworked the movement speed icon to make it more obvious.
Due to the nature of the change to aimed techniques, we more or less had to rework and rebalance the whole game, including almost every Technique, so we’re not going to reflect all of the changes this time. We will consider this patch as a “clean slate” for balancing to work upon for future patches.
- Toxic Ink has been reworked. Instead of shooting one frontal beam, it will now shoot a beam that rotates around the Temtem, damaging the enemies around.
Economy / Other
- Stage breakables will no longer grant Pansun pickups after the 15 minute mark.
- While we love to see the players’ creativity in ways to farm infinitely while escaping from the boss, we don’t want that to become the main way to farm Pansuns and make players feel forced to do so to improve their farming. With the new stage multipliers for Pansuns, farming during the runs should be much more efficient (and fun!).
- 👥 Fixed a softlock in co-op when all players leveled up at the same time while defeating the final boss.
- 👥 Fixed Pansuns not being added when opening a chest.
- 👥 Fixed some placeholder text being displayed in the end-of-run menu if players had severe lag issues.
- 👥 Fixed players becoming invulnerable after swapping the Lunch Box gear while having low health.
- 👥 Fixed Gear descriptions in the pause menu showing the incorrect information.
- 👥 Fixed a layout problem in the end-of-run menu that was displaying the maximized tech icon incorrectly.
- 👥 Fixed end-of-run menu wrongly counting up the time a technique has been used if the technique had been replaced during the run.
- Fixed co-op spots breaking the run if players had severe lag issues.
- Fixed being able to early unlock a skill tree node with Platypet.
- Fixed some incorrect behaviour when pressing the prompts Upgrade and Reset All at the same time in a skill tree.
- Fixed incorrect spot signs appearing while having a spot nearby and a player activating other different spot.
- Fixed the text for synergies not appearing in some languages.
Fixes, features, and improvements marked with the 👥 icon are originally suggested, inspired by, or reported by our community.