Temtem: Swarm is launching into Early Access on November 13th!
Hello Tamers!
We hope you’ve been enjoying the Temtem: Swarm Demo on Steam, and that you’ve played it a lot! We’re ready to share some important info about Temtem: Swarm, including the most frequently asked questions of when, and how much! Let’s get right into it:
Temtem: Swarm will launch into Early Access on November 13th!
Please note: We reserve the right to change the date if Silksong ends up being announced for that week🤡
Temtem: Swarm will only launch into Early Access on Steam and the Steam Deck. That said, we’re all up for bringing it into other platforms in the future if it’s well received!
How much?
Temtem: Swarm will be priced at 9.99 USD or 9,75 EUR. Each region will have Steam’s suggested local pricing, with the exception of the Polish and Brazilian markets where it will be priced cheaper than Steam’s suggested pricing.
The price is not planned to increase during Early Access or at its full launch. However, we reserve the right to adjust the price at a later date if significant updates or additional content are introduced beyond the original plans.
There will also be bundles for the diehard Temtem fans!
Why Early Access?
We’re bringing Temtem: Swarm into Early Access so that we can work with our amazing community to help shape the game’s future by gathering your invaluable feedback and suggestions. We’ve already got plans for what we want a 1.0 to look like, and we’ll be adding content throughout EA, but we’re sure we’ll also learn along the way and discover new exciting features to add too!
We know Early Access games have a bad rep sometimes, but the bullet heaven genre really works well with EA because of all the fine-tuning and tweaking that needs to happen to refine gameplay, balance the world, and ensure Temtem: Swarm is the most exciting and engaging it can be. A good example of this are the multiple patches we’ve launched for Swarm during the Beta Playtest period, as well a during the demo period. We’d like to be as reactive as possible, and be able to patch things up a million times if that’s what it takes for them to feel great and fun to the players!
An even better example of this is us making a huge change in the game’s controls and aiming following feedback from the demo, to a degree we’re almost stepping into a different genre of game: we’re adding manual aiming to the right joystick, so Temtem: Swarm becomes what most people would consider a twin-stick shooter. For those who might not like this approach, don’t worry! We’re also preserving and improving the auto-aim for Techniques that are difficult to land right now, to make things even more enjoyable.
We definitely couldn’t be making such big changes without an Early Access period, and without your feedback throughout it!
This isn’t our first Early Access rodeo: Temtem’s successful EA journey demonstrated our commitment to community-driven development. During the EA period, we actively listened to player feedback, implementing over 35 patches that included numerous features, improvements, bug fixes, and significant gameplay changes suggested by the community. This collaborative approach ensured that Temtem evolved into the engaging and polished experience it is today.
For how long?
We expect Temtem: Swarm’s Early Access journey to last around a year. During this time, we’ll be dedicated to refining the game based on your feedback, ensuring it’s the most enjoyable experience possible. Our goal is to introduce all the playable Tems, Maps, and Techniques that we already have planned while also incorporating your feedback before Temtem: Swarm leaves EA.
What will the full version contain?
At Crema we like to be upfront and transparent about our scope for a project, so let’s talk about our end goal for this one. We plan Temtem: Swarm’s full version to feature content including, but not limited to:
- Solo Mode and Co-Op for 2 & 3 Players
- 13 Playable Temtem with unique Skill Trees for each
- 9 Maps/Arenas
- 18 Minibosses & 9 Final Bosses, each with unique move sets
- New in-game Event types
- 50+ Gears
- 140 Techniques Total (26 Active, 57 Passive, 57 Synergies)
- Unlockable Temtem Variations – Lumas & Umbras
- Challenge Modes
- In-game Tempedia with info on all Tems
- The full roster of 165 Temtem as part of the Swarm, in the form of Mini-Bosses/Final Bosses, or as playable Tems.
- 800+ Kudos (in-game achievements)
- 130+ Steam Achievements
These are our plans, but it’s still very early in development. Please keep in mind this could change or be adjusted as we progress, and for many reasons: be them internal, technical, or from feedback obtained during the Early Access period.
So what will the EA version contain?
For those of you who are currently playing the Demo on Steam Next Fest, the initial content the Early Access will have is:
- Solo Mode and Co-Op for 2 & 3 Players
- 7 total Playable Temtem with unique Skill Trees for each
- 5 Maps/Arenas
- 10 Minibosses & 5 Final Bosses, each with unique move sets
- 5 in-game Event types
- 37 Gears
- 77 Techniques Total (7 Active, 35 Passive, 35 Synergies)
- 342 Kudos (in-game achievements)
- Steam Achievements
Please, still do keep in mind these are our plans and intentions, but they are still subject to change or rearranged for many reasons mentioned above.
I think we’ve covered the most important questions about the upcoming Temtem: Swarm so far!, but if there’s more you’d like to know feel free to hit us up on our Discord Server, our social media, or the Steam forums! Remember you can still play the free Demo to get a taste of what’s coming.
Until then, Tamers, have fun and Temtem up!