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Swarm – Patch 0.6

Swarm – Patch 0.6

Please be aware that the new content is balanced around the current level of development. If your Skill Trees are maxed out, you’re probably going to breeze through the new Arena and not experience any challenge while paying. We recommend resetting your Skill Trees and following the recommended cap before you give the new patch a try, in order to enjoy the new content with the intended challenge level.

This patch is huge and adds a lot of new features! As such, it’s possible that bugs and balancing issues have found a way inside the patch despite our many test and trials. If that happens, please don’t hesitate to report them in this channel from our Discord server, and we’ll be with you ASAP to identify and fix the issue. We’re always commited to making Temtem: Swarm as polished and enjoyable as possible, and the Early Access phase is always a phase of changes, so let us know your feedback through our Steam forums or Discord channel set for that purpose. Thank you, and we hope you enjoy patch 0.6 a lot!


  • 👥Random matchmaking has hit Temtem: Swarm!
    • The #1 requested feature by the community has now been implemented! Play with anyone without the need for a code or a Steam friendship.
    • Head over to the co-op menu and choose to create a public or private lobby by checking or unchecking a box. If you have set the lobby to public, other players looking for a match will be added to your lobby automatically.
    • The game prioritizes people who are close to you, and people who have a similar skill level to yours (measured in completed Arenas), and then broadens out the range as it goes.
    • If you’re the one looking to play a quick match of Swarm with Strangers, you just have to choose to find a match instead of joining a lobby
    • You can still select to have your lobby private and invite only those you want! You can also invite your friends to your public lobby: if the room is full, no other player can join you; if the room isn’t, another random Swarmer will join you.
    • Of course, you can also join lobbies the old way: entering a code provided to you, or being invited by your friends.
    • We’ve added a new flash to the taskbar for the new Matchmaking, so you can stay notified to your online endeavors:
      • Temtem: Swarm’s tab on your taskbar will flash when a new player joins your lobby, whether you’re the host or a guest.
      • It will also flash when you find a match after looking for it with random Matchmaking.
  • A new Arena: welcome to the island of Omninesia.
    • The island of Omninesia is now an available Arena in Temtem: Swarm! This beautiful map combines the best of The Myrisles, from its lush, inviting foliage, to its fiery pools of flowing lava.
    • This also means new tunes! Omninesia has it’s own set of musical themes: composed by Damián Sánchez, these songs will transport you to the planks of the bridges and the ash around the volcano.

  • Two new playable Tems
    •  Zephyruff and Kinu join the roster of playable Tems in Temtem: Swarm!
    • Zephyruff is the starter in a two-stage evolution line of feathered companions. Its gameplay, reliant on speed and damage, is perfect for those looking for hectic and frenzy DPS.
    • Kinu is an emblem on Omninesia. Kinu plays as a support with an edge, being able to heal others and itself, but still deal good damage, sometimes at the cost of its own health!
    • Both come with its own individual Skill Tree, which you can fulfill as you desire, with their individual cries and voices, and with their own little running animation on the loading screen! You’ll see how chill Kinu is.

  • 6 new Gears with very interesting effects, some never seen before!
    • Two of these Gears add effects to your Dash, while another Gear adds more distance to it. They’re really cool to see and use!
  • 15 new Techniques, including Techs, Synergies and the two new Ultimate techniques.
  • 👥You can now remap your controls in Temtem: Swarm!
    • Adjust and change your controls from the Settings menu.
    • You can change your keyboard bindings, as well as your controller’s buttons. Usual gaming rules apply, meaning you can’t have the same binding for two different actions.
    • We’ve put extra care in making sure inputs are easy to change with a controller!
    • Probably the third most requested feature for the past few months! We’re happy to finally be able to give you all the choices when it comes to key bindings.

  • Glitches are here to bring some challenge for the most daring players:
    • Glitches are a new set of items made to offer the players crazy choices that will alter the way they’re playing that run.
    • Glitches consist of one action with one consequence: one a punishment, one a blessing.
    • After picking up a Glitch from the overworld, players will have time to balance out the pros and the cons of a glitch before choosing to select the glitch.
    • Of course, you can choose not to choose: you can ignore the Glitch and be on your merry way with a Pansun reward.
    • However, please note that once you select a Glitch you cannot remove it except by switching it with another Glitch you pick up, the same way Techniques work. It will disappear once the match is over.
    • You can have a maximum of 5 Glitches equipped at the same time. If you pick another one up while your slots are full, you’ll be given the option to exchange that Glitch for another.
    • Glitches can be dropped from random spots that have a little Glitch indicator.
    • You will see an icon for Glitches on the map, like for the rest of the objectives (boxes, fruit, events)

  • 👥Nine new spots have been included in Temtem: Swarm! Here’s a brief summary of them, but you can skip it if you’d rather discover them ingame!
    • Art Restoration: Find the missing pieces of a statue and bring them back before the time runs out. I like it, Picasso!
    • The Bodyguard: Protect a chained Temtem from being defeated by the Swarm.
    • The floor is lava: Don’t let the ball touch the ground by placing yourself on its falling area
    • Boxes galore: Boxes everywhere! Break as many of them as possible, for there are good things inside.
    • Mystery box: Let your senses guide you as you choose between boxes that might hide rewards, or foes!
    • Gotta Go Fast!: Channel your inner blue hedgehog and cross some rings before the timer ends. Each co-op player will get their own, so pay attention to their colors!
    • Acid Rain: Oooh, that burns! Dodge all the falling acid projectiles —but stay in the circle— for an amount of time!
    • Catch the Rat: You’ll have to catch a fleeing Hazrat for either Pansuns or experience!
    • No Hit: A challenge familiar to all gamers. You’ll get a destination with a marker to guide you, and you must make your way there without being hit. Sounds easier than it’ll be!

  • 👥Apart from introducing new Spots, we have reworked three of the previous ones following player feedback.
    • Pansun Fest: Common player feedback was that losing out on experience in favor of Pansuns felt unrewarding in most cases, so enemies defeated during the Pansun Fest will also drop experience from now on, apart from the Pansuns they were already dropping.
    • Wave Spawn: This event, which previously spawned some stronger Tems who dropped high-quality Exp cubes, has had a total change of look and has been renamed to Trap. In this high-voltage version, you’ll have an specific area where strong Tems will spawn, and leaving such area will result in failure. A barrier around you made of the Swarm, and you and your co-op partners against the world!
    • Capture spot: We had gotten feedback that something very relevant in game didn’t have an equally relevant process. We’ve adjusted this Spot so the new Temtem egg will now follow your character around, and you’ll have to help it survive for a chunk of seconds, on the go.
  • 👥New minimum match length: 20 minutes!
    • Following feedback that the 15 minute mark made the runs end just as you were getting powerful and inevitable, we asked for your votes on a poll we created to this end. Seeing as how 65% players wanted to give this a try, we’ve followed and made matches last a minimum of 20 minutes.
    • The first miniboss will spawn at minute 5, and the second miniboss will spawn at minute 10.
    • The final boss of the map will spawn at minute 20, and from then on it’ll be a matter of how long you take to defeat it.
    • To add some spice to this new duration and ensure that the run isn’t monotone, we’ve also created special waves that spawn at minute 15 and last until the end of the match. Each Arena has a different wave 15, so play every one to discover them all!
  • We’ve created a new pickable (or breakable) box with a different loot: experience!
    • These are dropped from completed spots, but unlike rewards chests these don’t have an opening animation and open in the overworld, dropping a good chunk of experience cubes.

  • Get ready to rumble, because controller vibration is now a thing in Temtem: Swarm!
    • The list is too long to include, but expect to get a little vibrating nod from your controller on a lot of situations, like when your Tem evolves or faints, when the bosses spawn or when your co-op partner readies up for the match!
    • As usual, this is a new setting option that you can turn on and off at will, so it’s your choice entirely!
  • Two new mini-bosses and a new, amazing final boss whose sole presence will drastically alter the environment and weather. Stop reading if you don’t want to spoil yourself!
    • Welcome Anatan at minute 5, a key figure in the Anak Volcano!
    • But don’t take too long, because a group of Chimurian is ready to jump into the fray at minute 10! This is the first mini-boss to be a group and not a single individual.
    • And at last, the roots of danger, the Fire/Nature beast: Tyranak stomps into the Swarm at minute 20 with a terrifying kit that will make you experience the forces of nature at their full strength.

  • We’ve included new enemy behaviors!
    • You’ll meet Tems like the Teleporters, who suddenly change positions in the blink of an eye, like Loatle.
    • Or the Splitters, who create smaller versions of themselves when they die, like Goolder.
    • Even the Zigzaggers, who are pretty much self explanatory, like Deendre.
    • But also the Hunters, a mysterious new behavior that has the Swarm following an old placement of the playable Tems which gets updated every few seconds. Doesn’t sound threatening? You’ll see. Tems like Amphatyr in the Saipark display this behavior.
    • And the Explosive! Like their name says, they start a countdown after fainting and they’ll explode once it ends, dealing damage and knocking back surrounding players.
  • A lot of new Kudos for you to discover and complete!
    • 81, to be exact! They are related to the Omninesia Arena, Kinu and Zephyruff. Play them a lot to fulfill all these new Kudos!
  • Of course, we’ve also added 14 new Steam achievements to match these Kudos!
  • 👥We have added a new setting option that lets you see the distance between you and an objective, like fruits or spots.
    • The distance is shown around the marker for the objective, and it’s shown in meters.

  • We have added a new setting option that lets you see your own Damage (received) and Healing (performed) numbers, or how much damage you’re taking and how much healing you’re receiving or applying on yourself.


  • We’ve improved the clarity on the display of stats for each Tem:
    • You will now be able to see the Tem’s modified stats on the Tem selection menu, on the Pause menu and on the End of Run screen.
    • Apart from seeing its base stats, you’ll see the improvement obtained through perks. For example, you might see SPD 12(+1.5).
    • Not pictured below, but we have also included the decrease in Stats caused by the negative side of Glitches.

  • We’ve updated a lot of pre-existing Techs that dealt damage in an area to make sure they can be positively affected by Skill Tree nodes or Gears that increase the area of Techniques.
    • We’ll update some more in future updates!
  • 👥We have added icons to the spot markers on the map to display what their rewards are!
    • Now, apart from getting a marker to an spot, a little icon next to it will tell you if the reward is a new Egg, Experience, Pansuns, a Reward Chest or Glitches.
    • This way players can better choose which spots to prioritize or not based on their needs.
  • We have reworked the system that displays damage numbers and healing numbers.
    • We have reworked the technical way damage numbers are internally processed so they take are more efficient on performance.
    • The animations and visuals of the numbers have been improved and polished.
  • Pickable boxes no longer appear in the same fixed spots.
    • They will appear in random spots for every match, so it pays to explore the map well!
    • We’ve maintained the same number of boxes per Arena.
  • We’ve reworked the Freeze Chip’s visuals so they stand apart from EXP Magnets. There’s a little snowflake now!
  • 👥We have improved cursor lock so that it will only stay locked during actual gameplay, but unlocked during pause, End of the Run screen, menus, lobby etc.
  • We have improved and repositioned the buttons for quit, return and settings in the Pause menu. The quit button is now highlighted in red and positioned on the right.
  • We’ve adjusted the percentages of Skill Tree completion that you can see in a Temtem’s menu:
    • Before, these were based on number of unlocked Nodes.
    • Now they will be based on number of Pansuns spent in that specific Skill Tree.
  • We’ve added a new sound for zooming in and out of the Skill Tree, so it’s nicer and more responsive!
  • We’ve also added a new sound when a co-op partner faints! This way you’ll be able to come to their aid sooner (if you want to).
  • We’ve added a new icon to HP Recovery, instead of using the HP icon, which could lead to confusion.
  • We’re reworked the visual effects for the Poisoned status condition so they’re more evident and visible.
  • We’ve reworked the visual effects for the speed burst you obtain after picking up a pair of Boots.
  • We’ve reworked the visual effects for some Techniques:
    • Ignis Fatuus, which needed more color contrast.
    • Fire Tornado and the area of Data corruption, whose color was too similar to the Waste area created by enemies, and felt confusing.


  • We’ve slightly lowered the amount of Swarm enemies that appear when you play a match in co-op.
  • We have reviewed the unlockable percentage of all Skill Trees to make sure all Tems had a similar value and could unlock more or less the same percentage of their Skill Tree.
  • We have adjusted the cost of most Skill Trees, and also adjusted their values so they follow an upward curve.
  • We’ve adjusted some Kudos to take into account the new match length:
    • Since matches are now longer, we’ve upped the requirements to maintain their current difficulty levels.
    • The increase in requirements is adjusted to the new match length, so the Kudos have undergone a paralell change, and should be just as challenging as they were before.
  • The recommended level cap of all Skill Trees has been adjusted to take the new elements into account.


  • Innki
    • Starting Pansuns have been increased 1000 âžœ 2000.
  • Pigepic
    • Starting Pansuns have been increased 1500 âžœ 2000.


  • Mudrid
    • Base Speed has been increased 3.1 âžœ 3.4.
  • Orphyll
    • Waste
      • Damage has been increased 3 âžœ 4.
      • Duration has been decreased 4 âžœ 3.
  • Scaravolt
    • The Explosive behaviour has been added.
  • Blooze
    • The Splitter behaviour has been added.
  • Goolder
    • Waste
      • Damage has been decreased 10 âžœ 2.
  • Kalazu
    • Waste
      • Damage has been decreased 5 âžœ 2.
  • Kalabyss
    • The Splitter behaviour has been added.
  • Waspeen
    • Base HP has been increased 60 âžœ 100.


  • The synergy for Asteroid Belt+ is now in the game.
  • Turbo Attack
    • Area at Level 3 has been decreased 20 âžœ 10.
    • Area at Level 4 has been decreased 20 âžœ 10.
    • Area at Level 5 has been decreased 40 âžœ 20.
  • Turbo Attack +
    • Base Area has been decreased 40 âžœ 30.


  • 👥Fixed the level up screen getting blocked if we faint while there’s a Spot ongoing and get revived after the Spot has been completed.
  • Fixed being unable to level up if Crystle had used its ultimate on a boss or miniboss.
  • 👥Fixed that a Boss could re-spawn and its banner reappear if a regular Temtem had spawned recycling the Boss’ VFX.
  • 👥Fixed that Archer-type enemies could still launch one projectile if they were defeated but the animation had already started.
  • 👥Fixed that the preview of Waste pool circles could damage players before the pool had been formed.
  • Fixed some inconsistencies with the damage of Waste pools.
  • Fixed the aim on the Ghost technique if we were using a mouse.
  • Fixed receiving only new Perks if we had blocked a Perk that was in our kit, which would force us to swap any of our Perks for a new one. Now, blocked Perks that are leveled up (through reward chests, for example) will count for the level up pool, and you’ll be given the regular options for fully leveled-up kits.
  • Fixed being able to unlock the “Travel x meters across x map” for all Arenas even if we had only actually completed it on one.
  • Fixed losing controller input if we stay for too long on the level up screen.
  • Fixed being able to start a co-op Spot while inside of the level up bubble.
  • Fixed being able to see the silhouette of playable Tems you hadn’t unlocked yet.
  • Fixe being able to push enemies into rocks and other unreachable areas with the Ghost technique.
  • 👥Fixed that players could end up in a debug screen at the End of Run screen if there had been a disconnection during the match.
  • Fixed getting the countdown for another spot after we had moved to a new one.
  • Fixed being able to navigate the game while having a “Kicked out of Lobby” pop-up open.
  • Fixed the code for a co-op lobby getting hidden if a new player joins while the code is visible.
  • Fixed enemies spawning from the walls.
  • Fixed that Zigzagging enemies would get stuck on corners and start flickering.
  • Fixed that the game wasn’t keeping the setting for active slot in Steam Cloud saved.
  • Fixed that picking up a chest while we use our Ultimate caused the chest-opening animation to play before our Ultimate is completed.
  • 👥Fixed getting the UI for Box opening and the completion of a Capture spot overlap if both things happened at the same time.
  • 👥Fixed seeing the VFX for some Techniques displaced if Dash was cast right as they triggered.
  • Fixed the VFX of Data Corruption appearing in two different places.
  • Fixed some internal issues regarding the use of a joystick as we load into a co-op match.
  • Fixed some internal issues after fainting under very specific circumstances in Tucma.
  • Fixed some internal issues caused by quickly opening and closing the Temtem section in the Kudos menu.
  • 👥Fixed text turning into a string of text if we change the language while there’s a tutorial window somewhere, and we’re using a controller.
  • 👥Fixed that playtime on the menu to Switch Profiles wasn’t showing the hours properly.
  • Fixed that if a single player walked into the area of a co-op spot, the visual and sound effects of activation would play, even if the Spot required other players.
  • Fixed the sound effect for Spot activation wasn’t playing correctly.
  • Fixed sounds not behaving as expected in the Level Up sequence.
  • Fixed not hearing the sound after checking the box to share experience in a co-op lobby.
  • Fixed seeing a small square over the number in Techniques and Gears that have leveled up through a chest reward.
  • Fixed a small flickering on the Victory/Defeat UIs.
  • Fixed seeing some empty space on the Kudos’ background decoration.
  • Fixed not getting the keyboard prompt to zoom in and out of the Kudos menu and the Skill Trees menu.
  • Fixed seeing the prompt to choose a stage outside of its text box if we’re using a PlayStation controller.
  • Fixed not seeing the right prompts for SteamDeck on a co-op lobby as a guest.


Fixes, features, and improvements marked with the 👥 icon are originally suggested, inspired by, or reported by our community in our Discord server, Steam Forums and subreddit.


Jump into Temtem: Swarm now!


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