Swarm – Patch 0.5.3
Hi Tamers! Although today’s patch is an improvements and fixes one, we’re hard at work on our next content update, and we’ll share a sneak peek —almost a preview!— next week! So as usual, stay tuned!
Some content from the future 0.6 update made its way into this update accidentally, on the Saipark map. That content has now been removed, and it will be added back to the game on patch 0.6, as intended. We apologize for the inconveniences.
- 👥 New setting: Dash direction.
- You can now choose whether you want to dash in the direction the Temtem is moving (the default one so far), or in the direction you’re aiming.
- If you’re not actively aiming, it will resort to the movement direction.
- You can switch between these two options anytime in the Settings menu. The movement direction dash is the default option.
- 👥 The Block feature will no longer consume your choice for that level up!
- You can now block a perk and still choose a reward from the remaining available ones.
- The perk you’ve blocked will still take up its slot, so you’ll choose from the remaining, pre-existing ones you had gotten.
- You can only use one block per level up screen.
- If you choose to reroll after having blocked a perk, you’ll get all new options, including the slot you hade previously blocked.
- We’ve made some adjustments to the way Skill Tree Nodes that can be discovered but not unlocked are presented.
- Up until now, some Nodes unlockable by completing Kudos could be viewed but not reached because other locked Nodes were in the way. This was part of progression, and it was intended that they were not reachable just yet, but it created a negative feeling on players of seeing something and not being able to get to it.
- We’ve now locked those Nodes just like the ones not yet in-game, and they’ll be unlocked and available once their surrounding Nodes are.
- We hope this will help improve the feeling while we work on adding more Nodes and more content!
- We have reworked Aohi’s Sacred Pillars so the previsualization of the chains informs players that they deal damage.
- We’ve given Water Cannon and Water Cannon+ a visual rework!
- Since this is one of our first Techs ever, we felt it was a bit lackluster compared to the new ones, so we’ve given it a glow up!
- We’ve also taken this chance to make the water torrents a bit more transparent, so they are not as intrusive as before.
- We have adjusted Tentacle Slash’s tentacles so they don’t appear under terrain anymore.
- 👥Fixed being unable to level up or open boxes in a co-op run if we had leveled up on close timing with fainting or reviving.
- Fixed being unable to level up if Crystle had used its Ultimate on a Boss or Miniboss.
- Fixed a softlock and resulting error if we switched Save Profile and tried to create a Co-op lobby right after.
- 👥Fixed getting stuck in a tree in Arbury by using Dash.
- 👥Fixed getting stuck in some areas in Tucma by using Dash.
- Fixed being able to activate Spots while in Ghost mode.
- 👥Fixed that Toxic Waste would no longer leave the intended toxic trail behind if our Temtem evolved.
- Fixed being able to navigate the game with the Backup pop-up open.
- Fixed seeing water react as if the Boss of that map were still in it if we re-enter a map after defeating the Boss.
- Fixed a mysterious black line in Tucma.
Fixes, features, and improvements marked with the 👥 icon are originally suggested, inspired by, or reported by our community in our Discord server and subreddit.